
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
HB2 Relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. State Government House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 03/31/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB1 Making appropriations for the expenses of certain departments of the state for fiscal years ending June 30, 2026 and June 30, 2027. State Government House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 03/31/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB307 Relative to the food production area for homestead food. Agriculture Senate - Commerce SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (S) Hearing
HB572 (New Title) establishing the "partners in housing" program, an initiative under the housing champions fund to assist municipalities, counties, and developers in building workforce housing, and making an appropriation therefor. Municipalities House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB696 Exempting electricity generators from the utility property tax and including them under the statewide education property tax, and relative to communications services tax revenues. Energy and Utilities House - Ways and Means HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB710 Enabling electric utilities to own, operate, and offer advanced nuclear resources. Energy and Utilities Senate - Energy and Natural Resources SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (S) Hearing
HB661 Relative to the department of health and human services management of social security payments, supplemental security income payments, and veterans benefits for children in foster care. Children House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB547 Relative to county reimbursement of funds. Counties House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB221 Relative to assessment of cost effectiveness of the systems benefit charge. Energy and Utilities Senate - Energy and Natural Resources SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (S) Hearing
HB704 Relative to caregiver respite and senior volunteer programs and making an appropriation therefor. Public and Mental Health House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB672 To allow for off-grid electricity providers in New Hampshire. Energy and Utilities Senate - Energy and Natural Resources SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (S) Hearing
HB554 (New Title) relative to the placement of political advertising on municipal property. Elections Senate - Election Law and Municipal Affairs SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (S) Hearing
HB733 Relative to reporting requirements for persons or entities financing lawsuits. Courts and Procedure House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 04/01/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB120 Relative to transferring statutory authority from the department of education to the department of military affairs and veterans services regarding educational support services. Military & Veterans' Affairs Senate - Executive Departments and Administration SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 04/02/2025 (S) Hearing
HB435 Relative to the definition of professional engineer. Occupational Regulation Senate - Executive Departments and Administration SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 04/02/2025 (S) Hearing
HB508 Relative to decreasing assessment rates for entities providing VoIP and IP-enabled services, as well as certain local exchange carriers and their affiliates. Energy and Utilities Senate - Energy and Natural Resources SENATE: CONSENT CALENDAR REPORT FILED 04/03/2025 (S) Floor Vote
HB627 Relative to permitting the public utilities commission to approve new providers for the Lifeline program. Energy and Utilities Senate - Energy and Natural Resources SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 04/03/2025 (S) Hearing
HB375 Allowing municipalities to designate sections of state and local highways for all terrain vehicles. Transportation and Highways House - Public Works and Highways HOUSE: INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE
HB297 Relative to providing self-funded employer health benefit plans access to their claims data. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: RETAINED IN COMMITTEE
HB179 Relative to hazardous waste accident fees. Transportation and Highways Senate - Energy and Natural Resources SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
HB275 Relative to health carrier credentialing requirements. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE
HB141 Relative to campaign disclosures for limited liability companies. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE
HB345 Enabling selectmen to add additional polling places and requiring selectmen to give notice to voters 30 days before providing such additional polling places. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE
SB153 (New Title) relative to expedited driveway permitting of major entrances for residential use of 20 units or greater. Transportation and Highways House - Public Works and Highways HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB708 Directing the department of energy to begin planning for the introduction of an additional overlay area code. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE