Bill Text - HB477 (2005)

Increasing registration fees for pesticides and commercial feeds.

Revision: Jan. 21, 2010, midnight



09Mar2005… 0419h

13Apr2005… 0935h





AN ACT increasing registration fees for pesticides and commercial feeds.

SPONSORS: Rep. Babson, Carr 3

COMMITTEE: Environment and Agriculture


This bill increases registration fees for pesticides and commercial feeds, and makes a technical correction from “registered use pesticide” to “restricted use pesticide.”

This bill is a request from the department of agriculture, markets, and food.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

09Mar2005… 0419h

13Apr2005… 0935h




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Five

AN ACT increasing registration fees for pesticides and commercial feeds.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

215:1 Pesticides; Registration Fee Increase. Amend RSA 430:38, III(a) – (c) to read as follows:

(a) For a [registered] restricted use pesticide, [$50] $80 per product per year;

(b) For a general use pesticide, other than a specialty/household pesticide, [$50] $80 per product per year;

(c) For a specialty/household pesticide, [$50] $80 per product per year.

215:2 Commercial Feeds; Registration Fee Increase. Amend RSA 435:20, II - III to read as follows:

II. No person shall distribute in this state a commercial feed, except a customer-formula feed, which has not been registered pursuant to the provisions of this section. Applications for registration, accompanied by a [$50] $75 per-product registration fee, shall be submitted in a manner prescribed by the commissioner. Upon approval by the commissioner, a registration shall be issued to the applicant. All registrations shall expire on December 31 of each year.

III. The commissioner may refuse to register any commercial feed not in compliance with the provisions of this subdivision and to cancel any registration subsequently found not to be in compliance with any provision of this subdivision; provided that upon the refusal of registration, the [$50] $75 registration fee shall be returned to the applicant; and provided further that no registration shall be refused or cancelled unless the applicant or registrant has been given an opportunity to appear at a hearing before the commissioner and to amend his or her application in order to comply with the requirements of this subdivision.

215:3 Pesticide Control Board; Membership. Amend RSA 430:30, I(j) to read as follows:

(j) One person from a slate of 3 persons presented by the New Hampshire Horticultural [Society] Industries Council.

215:4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

(Approved: July 5, 2005)

(Effective Date: July 1, 2005)