Bill Text - PET6 (2011)

Petition for redress of grievance of Candy Knightly.

Revision: Sept. 19, 2011, midnight





TO: The Honorable House of Representatives

FROM: Petitioner Representative Peter Silva, Hills. 26

DATE: May 2, 2011

SUBJECT: Grievance of Candy Knightly, Nashua, New Hampshire

Your Petitioner Representative Silva on behalf of Candy Knightly of Nashua, hereinafter presents the following summary of her grievance against Judge Thomas Bamberger and the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Children, Youth, and Families and invokes the constitutional authority and duty of the Honorable House of Representatives pursuant to said Articles 31 and 32 to bring about redress:

Grievance against Judge Bamberger for violating Part 1, Article 15 by denying the admission of exculpatory evidence showing the mother did not harm her child and against the Division of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) and the Nashua District Court for facilitating the adoption of the child of Candy Knightly prior to the termination of her parental rights.

Wherefore, your Petitioner prays that the House of Representatives consider this proposed remedy:

    I. Determine if there was maladministration on the part of Judge Bamberger and consider commencing Articles of Impeachment against such Judge.

    II. Introduce legislation to punish denial of due process by DCYF and the Nashua District Court and to facilitate re-unification of Candy Knightly with her child.

Respectfully submitted by Petitioner Representative Silva on Behalf of Candy Knightly.


Rep. Itse, Rock. 9

Rep. E. Hogan, Hills. 25