Bill Text - HB1576 (2012)

Requiring construction of a noise barrier along Interstate Route 95 in Portsmouth.

Revision: Dec. 22, 2011, midnight






AN ACT requiring construction of a noise barrier along Interstate Route 95 in Portsmouth.

SPONSORS: Rep. Pantelakos, Rock 16; Rep. Cali-Pitts, Rock 16; Rep. DiPentima, Rock 16; Rep. Norelli, Rock 16; Rep. Powers, Rock 16; Rep. R. Read, Rock 16; Rep. Serlin, Rock 16; Sen. Stiles, Dist 24

COMMITTEE: Public Works and Highways


This bill requires the department of transportation to construct a noise barrier along a portion of I-95 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and makes an appropriation therefor.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twelve

AN ACT requiring construction of a noise barrier along Interstate Route 95 in Portsmouth.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 Noise Barrier Required. The department of transportation shall construct a noise barrier along I-95 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire along Rockingham Avenue.

2 Appropriation. The sum of $1 is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, to the department of transportation for the purposes of this act. The governor is authorized to draw a warrant for said sum out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2012.





AN ACT requiring construction of a noise barrier along Interstate Route 95 in Portsmouth.


      The Department of Transportation states this bill will increase state restricted expenditures by $188,000 in FY 2013, and by $2,590,000 in FY 2014. There will be no fiscal impact on state, county, or local revenue, or county or local expenditures.


    The Department of Transportation states this bill requires the construction of a noise barrier along a portion of I-95 in Portsmouth. Based on the neighborhoods to be protected by the barrier, the Department estimates the wall would be 3,700 feet in length and 20 feet high. Typically, the Department follows its “Policy and Procedural Guidelines for the Assessment of Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise for Type I Highway Projects”, hereafter referred to as “guidelines”, for any noise barrier projects currently in it capital plan. According to those the guidelines, the Department usually follows a three stage process: 1. initial sound assessment to determine if noise warrants are met as a basis for sound wall construction; 2. if warrants are met, design costs associated with development of the project’s plans and documents; and 3. construction of the sound wall, with the project advertised and the contract awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. The Department states an initial sound assessment is already underway, and estimates it will cost $35,000 ((2,000 consultant hours x $150 per hour) + $5,000 for DOT oversight). However, because the bill requires the construction of the noise barrier, the initial sound assessment stage is not necessary. The Department assumes no right-of-way costs will be incurred as it expects any easements, if necessary, to be granted at no cost. The Department estimates the design stage to take place in FY 2013 and to increase turnpike expenditures, based on historical costs, by $188,000 ((1,400 consultant hours x $120 per hour) + $20,000 for DOT oversight). Per its guidelines, the Department estimates a cost of $35 per square foot for the construction phase of the project. The Department assumes that will occur in FY 2014, so the project’s 74,000 (3,700 feet long x 20 feet high) square feet are expected to increase turnpike expenditures by $2,590,000 (74,000 square feet x $35 per square foot). While the Department has based this analysis on its current policies and procedures surrounding noise barriers, which assumes any noise barrier activity will be undertaken only on existing highway where improvements are planned, the noise barrier required by this bill would be undertaken where no improvements are planned. Also, the Department states this bill sets the precedent of the legislature mandating the construction of a noise barrier, bypassing the Departments guidelines using noise warrant testing as the criteria to determine where sound walls are to be constructed. The Department states the addition of the project in this bill to its capital program, as well as any other which may follow as a result, may require either revenue increases through bond authorizations or toll rate increases, or the displacement of projects currently part of the capital plan.