HB1027 (2022) Compare Changes

The Bill Text indicates a new section is being inserted. This situation is not handled right now, and the new text is displayed in both the changed and unchanged versions.

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

1 Findings: The general court hereby finds that:

I. The legislative process is core to our republic.

II. Anyone using emergency powers or an emergency process to create laws or regulations outside of an emergency to bypass the legislative process undermines the United States Constitution and our institutions.

III. The existence of COVID-19 has been widely known since February of 2020.

IV. The risk to people and the method of COVID-19 spread is widely known.

V. There are known treatments and preventative measures which are common knowledge.

VI. The population of the United States is aware of the risks and dangers of COVID-19.

VII. COVID-19 will not be eradicated from the Earth.

VIII. While the virus is a concern, citizens are free to mitigate based on their own comfort level of risk, and there is no longer an emergency caused by COVID-19.

IX. President Joseph Biden has colluded with the United States Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to enact rules which bypass the legislative process under a false claim of an emergency.

X. Any rules issued under that false claim of an emergency have undermined the United States Constitution.

XI. Anyone trying to enforce such emergency rules or regulations on citizens or businesses within New Hampshire is aiding in the act of treason and therefore is also guilty of treason against the state.

2 New Chapter; Subversion of the Legislative Process-Treason. Amend RSA by inserting after chapter 648 the following new chapter:



648-A:1 Purpose. The legislative process is core to our republic and attacks against that process are attacks against our state.

648-A:2 Definitions. In this chapter:

I. "Subvert the legislative process" means any process which does not give full review of laws, rules, or regulations including public comment and oversight.

II. "False claim of emergency caused by COVID-19" means any claim of emergency for COVID-19 in which the risks and preventive actions for the virus are known to the public and for which treatments are available including emergency use authorization or off-label use, and shall include any claim of emergency which uses COVID-19 as the reason after January 1, 2021.

648-A:3 Prohibited Acts.

I. No person, including an agent of the state or federal government, shall seek or conspire to subvert the legislative process under a false claim of emergency caused by COVID-19.

II. No person, including an agent of the state or federal government, shall seek to enforce laws, rules, or regulations in which the process of adoption or passage subverted the legislative process under a false claim of emergency caused by COVID-19.

648-A:4 Penalties. Any person, including an agent of the state, who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a class A felony, and shall be incarcerated for a term of not less than 20 years. This chapter shall supersede a defense or immunity enacted prior to the effective date of this chapter.

3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2023.

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

1 Findings: The general court hereby finds that:

I. The legislative process is core to our republic.

II. Anyone using emergency powers or an emergency process to create laws or regulations outside of an emergency to bypass the legislative process undermines the United States Constitution and our institutions.

III. The existence of COVID-19 has been widely known since February of 2020.

IV. The risk to people and the method of COVID-19 spread is widely known.

V. There are known treatments and preventative measures which are common knowledge.

VI. The population of the United States is aware of the risks and dangers of COVID-19.

VII. COVID-19 will not be eradicated from the Earth.

VIII. While the virus is a concern, citizens are free to mitigate based on their own comfort level of risk, and there is no longer an emergency caused by COVID-19.

IX. President Joseph Biden has colluded with the United States Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to enact rules which bypass the legislative process under a false claim of an emergency.

X. Any rules issued under that false claim of an emergency have undermined the United States Constitution.

XI. Anyone trying to enforce such emergency rules or regulations on citizens or businesses within New Hampshire is aiding in the act of treason and therefore is also guilty of treason against the state.

2 New Chapter; Subversion of the Legislative Process-Treason. Amend RSA by inserting after chapter 648 the following new chapter:



648-A:1 Purpose. The legislative process is core to our republic and attacks against that process are attacks against our state.

648-A:2 Definitions. In this chapter:

I. "Subvert the legislative process" means any process which does not give full review of laws, rules, or regulations including public comment and oversight.

II. "False claim of emergency caused by COVID-19" means any claim of emergency for COVID-19 in which the risks and preventive actions for the virus are known to the public and for which treatments are available including emergency use authorization or off-label use, and shall include any claim of emergency which uses COVID-19 as the reason after January 1, 2021.

648-A:3 Prohibited Acts.

I. No person, including an agent of the state or federal government, shall seek or conspire to subvert the legislative process under a false claim of emergency caused by COVID-19.

II. No person, including an agent of the state or federal government, shall seek to enforce laws, rules, or regulations in which the process of adoption or passage subverted the legislative process under a false claim of emergency caused by COVID-19.

648-A:4 Penalties. Any person, including an agent of the state, who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a class A felony, and shall be incarcerated for a term of not less than 20 years. This chapter shall supersede a defense or immunity enacted prior to the effective date of this chapter.

3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2023.