HB1 (2023) Compare Changes

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

106:1 1.08 Budget Footnotes; General. For any state department, as defined in RSA 9:1, the following general budget footnotes that contain class codes shall apply to all specified class codes in section 1.01 through 1.07 unless specifically exempted.

A. Not Used

B. Not Used

C. Revenue in excess of the estimate may be expended with prior approval of the fiscal committee and the approval of the governor and council.

D. The funds in this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose.

E. The appropriation budgeted in class 040-indirect costs are for general overhead state charges and such sums shall be transferred by the agency to the general fund of the state consistent with federal requirements.

F. This appropriation shall not lapse until June 30, 2025.

G. The funds in this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose and shall not lapse until June 30, 2025.

H. Not used.

I. In the event that estimated revenue in revenue class 001-transfers for other agencies, 002-transfers from department of transportation, 003-revolving funds, 004-agency income, 005-private local funds, 006-agency income, 007-agency income, 008-agency income, 009-agency income is less than budgeted, the total appropriation shall be reduced by the amount of the shortfall in either actual or projected budgeted revenue. The agency head shall notify the bureau of accounting services forthwith, in writing, as to precisely which line-item appropriation and in what specific amounts reductions are to be made in order to fully compensate for the total revenue deficits. For the biennium ending June 30, 2025, account number 02-46-46-4620-5731 within the department of corrections shall be exempt from these provisions. The provisions of this footnote do not apply to federal funds covered by RSA 124:14.

J. This appropriation, to be administered by the commissioner, is for the necessary equipment needs of the department and shall be expended at the commissioner's discretion.

106:2 General Fund and Total Appropriation Limits. The amounts included in section 1 for all university system accounts and community college system accounts, under estimated source of funds from general funds, shall be the total appropriation from general funds for such accounting units that may be expended for the purpose of section 1 of this act. Any funds received by said systems from other than general funds are hereby appropriated for the use of the systems and may be expended by said systems whether or not this will result in an appropriation and expenditure by the system in excess of the total appropriation therefor.

106:3 Assignment of Office Space. If, during the biennium ending June 30, 2025, because of program reductions, consolidations, or any other reason, office space becomes available in the health and human services complex, the Hayes building, or any other state building, except office space under the control of the legislature pursuant to RSA 14:14-b, the commissioner of administrative services shall, with the prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court, and with the approval of the governor and council, require that any agency renting private space be required to occupy such available space in said building or buildings forthwith. Such funds as have been allocated or committed by any agency affected by this section for outside rental shall be transferred by the director of the division of accounting services to the bureau of general services, activity number 01-14-14-141510 for maintenance of applicable state buildings.

106:4 Lottery Commission; Authority Granted. For the biennium ending June 30, 2025, in order to provide sufficient funding to the lottery commission to carryout lottery games that will provide funds for the distribution in accordance with RSA 284:21-j, the commission shall apply to the fiscal committee of the general court for approval of any new games, the expansion of any existing lottery games, or for the purchase of any tickets for new or continuing games. Additionally, no expenditures for consultants shall be made without prior approval by the fiscal committee. If approved, the commission may then apply to the governor and council to transfer funds from the sweepstakes revenue special account. The total of such transfers shall not exceed $6,000,000 for the biennium ending June 30, 2025.

106:5 Positions Abolished.

I. The following positions are hereby abolished effective at the close of business on June 30, 2023:

Department of Military Affairs and Veteran Services

02-012-012-120010-2256 19370 19371 19372 19373 19374

19375 19376 19377 19378 19379

19380 19381 19382 19383 19384

19385 19386 19389 19390 19391

19392 19395 19398 19399 19401

19404 19406 19408 19409 43694

43695 43696 43697 43698 43699

Department of Energy

02-052-052-521010-1891 18230 40001

Department of Natural and Cultural Resources

03-035-035-350010-3400 11411 16750

03-035-035-354010-1445 18098

Department of Transportation

04-096-096-960215-3001 21380

04-096-096-961017-7026 18399 19296 19685 21030 21067

04-096-096-961017-7031 21023

04-096-096-961017-7036 21015

State Treasury

01-038-038-380510-8021 11597

Department of Health and Human Services

05-095-042-421510-6643 11604 11608 11618 11620 11627

11629 11631 11637 11640 11650

11652 11654 11676 11679 11693 11702 11703 11705 11712 11714 11717 11730 11731 11736 11740 16081 16579 16640 16642 16652 16957 16958 16960 18635 19181 19458 19461 19462 30207 30208 30209 40127 40129 40131 40132 40134 40786 40890 41202 42629

05-095-095-952010-5146 19610 43479

Department of Revenue Administration

01-84-84-840510-1080 18946 14473 18958

106:6 Department of Health and Human Services; Bureau of Child Support Services; Payments to the Administrative Office of the Courts. The appropriation in account number 05-95-42-427010-7934, class 085, includes funds for payment to the administrative office of the courts in accordance with the cooperative agreement between the bureau of child support services and the administrative office of the courts. The bureau of child support services and the administrative office of the courts shall, prior to payment of such funds, enter into a cooperative agreement specifying in detail the services to be performed by the administrative office of the courts and the estimated costs of such services. Any change or modification in the services to be performed shall likewise be agreed to in writing and specify the change and the adjustment to the costs. Funds appropriated for these purposes shall be paid only after demonstration by the administrative office of the courts that it consistently transmits court orders to the bureau of child support services in accordance with the cooperative agreement.

106:7 Department of Health and Human Services; Staffing; Budget Reduction. In addition to any other required reductions, the department of health and human services is hereby directed to reduce general fund appropriations by $23,400,000 for the biennium ending June 30, 2025. At no time during the biennium shall the department exceed 3,000 filled, full-time, authorized positions. The department shall provide to the department of administrative services the accounting units and class lines to be reduced, and shall report on said reductions to the fiscal committee of the general court by May 30, 2024, for reductions made in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, and by May 30, 2025, for reductions made in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.

106:8 Appropriation; Department of Information Technology; Chief Privacy Officer Positions.

I. The sum of $248,725 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, and the sum of $263,029 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, are hereby appropriated to the department of information technology to fund the positions of chief privacy officer and administrator II, which shall be shared service positions. The source of funds for the appropriations shall be as follows:

FY 2024 FY 2025

Federal Funds $54,794 $58,024

General Funds $94,391 $99,820

Liquor Fund $5,696 $6,023

Highway Fund $32,583 $34,299

Turnpike Fund $796 $815

Lottery Fund $2,139 $2,262

Fish and Game Fund $5,124 $5,418

Other Funds $53,202 $56,367

Total $248,725 $263,029

II. The department of information technology, in consultation with the department of administrative services, shall increase the appropriations to the class 027 expenditure class lines of each state department or agency by their respective portion of these department of information technology shared costs. The governor is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for the general fund amounts out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

106:9 Estimates of Unrestricted Revenue.


BUSINESS PROFITS TAX $700,600,000 $705,600,000

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE TAX 34,000,000 34,300,000

SUBTOTAL BUSINESS TAXES $734,600,000 $739,900,000

MEALS AND ROOMS TAX 311,000,000 315,300,000

TOBACCO TAX 133,300,000 132,000,000

TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR 135,900,000 135,600,000

INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS TAX 122,800,000 99,400,000

INSURANCE 140,000,000 143,000,000

COMMUNICATIONS TAX 30,000,000 30,000,000

REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX 140,700,000 140,700,000

COURT FINES & FEES 13,400,000 13,300,000

SECURITIES REVENUE 45,800,000 46,600,000

BEER TAX 13,200,000 13,200,000

OTHER REVENUES 98,900,000 94,500,000

MEDICAID RECOVERIES 3,000,000 3,000,000

TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,922,600,000 $1,906,500,000


BUSINESS PROFITS TAX $172,300,000 $173,600,000

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE TAX 340,100,000 342,500,000

SUBTOTAL BUSINESS TAXES $512,400,000 $516,100,000

MEALS AND ROOMS TAX 9,600,000 9,700,000

TOBACCO TAX 81,100,000 80,300,000

REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX 69,300,000 69,300,000

TRANSFER FROM LOTTERY 160,000,000 164,000,000

TOBACCO SETTLEMENT 40,000,000 38,500,000

UTILITY PROPERTY TAX 42,000,000 43,000,000

STATEWIDE PROPERTY TAX 363,100,000 363,100,000

TOTAL EDUCATION FUND $1,277,500,000 $1,284,000,000


GASOLINE ROAD TOLL $125,000,000 $125,600,000

MOTOR VEHICLE FEES 134,800,000 134,700,000

MISCELLANEOUS 200,000 200,000

TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND $260,000,000 $260,500,000


FISH AND GAME LICENSES $9,800,000 $9,800,000

FINES AND MISCELLANEOUS 4,000,000 3,900,000

TOTAL FISH AND GAME FUND $13,800,000 $13,700,000

106:10 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023.

Approved: June 20, 2023

Effective Date: July 01, 2023

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

106:1 1.08 Budget Footnotes; General. For any state department, as defined in RSA 9:1, the following general budget footnotes that contain class codes shall apply to all specified class codes in section 1.01 through 1.07 unless specifically exempted.

A. Not Used

B. Not Used

C. Revenue in excess of the estimate may be expended with prior approval of the fiscal committee and the approval of the governor and council.

D. The funds in this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose.

E. The appropriation budgeted in class 040-indirect costs are for general overhead state charges and such sums shall be transferred by the agency to the general fund of the state consistent with federal requirements.

F. This appropriation shall not lapse until June 30, 2025.

G. The funds in this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose and shall not lapse until June 30, 2025.

H. Not used.

I. In the event that estimated revenue in revenue class 001-transfers for other agencies, 002-transfers from department of transportation, 003-revolving funds, 004-agency income, 005-private local funds, 006-agency income, 007-agency income, 008-agency income, 009-agency income is less than budgeted, the total appropriation shall be reduced by the amount of the shortfall in either actual or projected budgeted revenue. The agency head shall notify the bureau of accounting services forthwith, in writing, as to precisely which line-item appropriation and in what specific amounts reductions are to be made in order to fully compensate for the total revenue deficits. For the biennium ending June 30, 2025, account number 02-46-46-4620-5731 within the department of corrections shall be exempt from these provisions. The provisions of this footnote do not apply to federal funds covered by RSA 124:14.

J. This appropriation, to be administered by the commissioner, is for the necessary equipment needs of the department and shall be expended at the commissioner's discretion.

106:2 General Fund and Total Appropriation Limits. The amounts included in section 1 for all university system accounts and community college system accounts, under estimated source of funds from general funds, shall be the total appropriation from general funds for such accounting units that may be expended for the purpose of section 1 of this act. Any funds received by said systems from other than general funds are hereby appropriated for the use of the systems and may be expended by said systems whether or not this will result in an appropriation and expenditure by the system in excess of the total appropriation therefor.

106:3 Assignment of Office Space. If, during the biennium ending June 30, 2025, because of program reductions, consolidations, or any other reason, office space becomes available in the health and human services complex, the Hayes building, or any other state building, except office space under the control of the legislature pursuant to RSA 14:14-b, the commissioner of administrative services shall, with the prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court, and with the approval of the governor and council, require that any agency renting private space be required to occupy such available space in said building or buildings forthwith. Such funds as have been allocated or committed by any agency affected by this section for outside rental shall be transferred by the director of the division of accounting services to the bureau of general services, activity number 01-14-14-141510 for maintenance of applicable state buildings.

106:4 Lottery Commission; Authority Granted. For the biennium ending June 30, 2025, in order to provide sufficient funding to the lottery commission to carryout lottery games that will provide funds for the distribution in accordance with RSA 284:21-j, the commission shall apply to the fiscal committee of the general court for approval of any new games, the expansion of any existing lottery games, or for the purchase of any tickets for new or continuing games. Additionally, no expenditures for consultants shall be made without prior approval by the fiscal committee. If approved, the commission may then apply to the governor and council to transfer funds from the sweepstakes revenue special account. The total of such transfers shall not exceed $6,000,000 for the biennium ending June 30, 2025.

106:5 Positions Abolished.

I. The following positions are hereby abolished effective at the close of business on June 30, 2023:

Department of Military Affairs and Veteran Services

02-012-012-120010-2256 19370 19371 19372 19373 19374

19375 19376 19377 19378 19379

19380 19381 19382 19383 19384

19385 19386 19389 19390 19391

19392 19395 19398 19399 19401

19404 19406 19408 19409 43694

43695 43696 43697 43698 43699

Department of Energy

02-052-052-521010-1891 18230 40001

Department of Natural and Cultural Resources

03-035-035-350010-3400 11411 16750

03-035-035-354010-1445 18098

Department of Transportation

04-096-096-960215-3001 21380

04-096-096-961017-7026 18399 19296 19685 21030 21067

04-096-096-961017-7031 21023

04-096-096-961017-7036 21015

State Treasury

01-038-038-380510-8021 11597

Department of Health and Human Services

05-095-042-421510-6643 11604 11608 11618 11620 11627

11629 11631 11637 11640 11650

11652 11654 11676 11679 11693 11702 11703 11705 11712 11714 11717 11730 11731 11736 11740 16081 16579 16640 16642 16652 16957 16958 16960 18635 19181 19458 19461 19462 30207 30208 30209 40127 40129 40131 40132 40134 40786 40890 41202 42629

05-095-095-952010-5146 19610 43479

Department of Revenue Administration

01-84-84-840510-1080 18946 14473 18958

106:6 Department of Health and Human Services; Bureau of Child Support Services; Payments to the Administrative Office of the Courts. The appropriation in account number 05-95-42-427010-7934, class 085, includes funds for payment to the administrative office of the courts in accordance with the cooperative agreement between the bureau of child support services and the administrative office of the courts. The bureau of child support services and the administrative office of the courts shall, prior to payment of such funds, enter into a cooperative agreement specifying in detail the services to be performed by the administrative office of the courts and the estimated costs of such services. Any change or modification in the services to be performed shall likewise be agreed to in writing and specify the change and the adjustment to the costs. Funds appropriated for these purposes shall be paid only after demonstration by the administrative office of the courts that it consistently transmits court orders to the bureau of child support services in accordance with the cooperative agreement.

106:7 Department of Health and Human Services; Staffing; Budget Reduction. In addition to any other required reductions, the department of health and human services is hereby directed to reduce general fund appropriations by $23,400,000 for the biennium ending June 30, 2025. At no time during the biennium shall the department exceed 3,000 filled, full-time, authorized positions. The department shall provide to the department of administrative services the accounting units and class lines to be reduced, and shall report on said reductions to the fiscal committee of the general court by May 30, 2024, for reductions made in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, and by May 30, 2025, for reductions made in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.

106:8 Appropriation; Department of Information Technology; Chief Privacy Officer Positions.

I. The sum of $248,725 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, and the sum of $263,029 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, are hereby appropriated to the department of information technology to fund the positions of chief privacy officer and administrator II, which shall be shared service positions. The source of funds for the appropriations shall be as follows:

FY 2024 FY 2025

Federal Funds $54,794 $58,024

General Funds $94,391 $99,820

Liquor Fund $5,696 $6,023

Highway Fund $32,583 $34,299

Turnpike Fund $796 $815

Lottery Fund $2,139 $2,262

Fish and Game Fund $5,124 $5,418

Other Funds $53,202 $56,367

Total $248,725 $263,029

II. The department of information technology, in consultation with the department of administrative services, shall increase the appropriations to the class 027 expenditure class lines of each state department or agency by their respective portion of these department of information technology shared costs. The governor is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for the general fund amounts out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

106:9 Estimates of Unrestricted Revenue.


BUSINESS PROFITS TAX $700,600,000 $705,600,000

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE TAX 34,000,000 34,300,000

SUBTOTAL BUSINESS TAXES $734,600,000 $739,900,000

MEALS AND ROOMS TAX 311,000,000 315,300,000

TOBACCO TAX 133,300,000 132,000,000

TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR 135,900,000 135,600,000

INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS TAX 122,800,000 99,400,000

INSURANCE 140,000,000 143,000,000

COMMUNICATIONS TAX 30,000,000 30,000,000

REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX 140,700,000 140,700,000

COURT FINES & FEES 13,400,000 13,300,000

SECURITIES REVENUE 45,800,000 46,600,000

BEER TAX 13,200,000 13,200,000

OTHER REVENUES 98,900,000 94,500,000

MEDICAID RECOVERIES 3,000,000 3,000,000

TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,922,600,000 $1,906,500,000


BUSINESS PROFITS TAX $172,300,000 $173,600,000

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE TAX 340,100,000 342,500,000

SUBTOTAL BUSINESS TAXES $512,400,000 $516,100,000

MEALS AND ROOMS TAX 9,600,000 9,700,000

TOBACCO TAX 81,100,000 80,300,000

REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX 69,300,000 69,300,000

TRANSFER FROM LOTTERY 160,000,000 164,000,000

TOBACCO SETTLEMENT 40,000,000 38,500,000

UTILITY PROPERTY TAX 42,000,000 43,000,000

STATEWIDE PROPERTY TAX 363,100,000 363,100,000

TOTAL EDUCATION FUND $1,277,500,000 $1,284,000,000


GASOLINE ROAD TOLL $125,000,000 $125,600,000

MOTOR VEHICLE FEES 134,800,000 134,700,000

MISCELLANEOUS 200,000 200,000

TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND $260,000,000 $260,500,000


FISH AND GAME LICENSES $9,800,000 $9,800,000

FINES AND MISCELLANEOUS 4,000,000 3,900,000

TOTAL FISH AND GAME FUND $13,800,000 $13,700,000

106:10 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023.

Approved: June 20, 2023

Effective Date: July 01, 2023