Amendment 2023-0431h to HB325 (2023)

Relative to the controlled drug prescription health and safety program advisory council members.

Revision: Feb. 16, 2023, 9:31 a.m.

Rep. Merchant, Sull. 6

February 8, 2023





Amendment to HB 325


Amend introductory paragraph of RSA 126-A:96, I as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


I. There is hereby established an advisory council to carry out the duties under this subdivision. Members of the council shall not be compensated for serving on the council, or serve on the council for more than one 5-year term except for the attorney general, or designee, or the commissioner of the department of health and human services, or designee. A member may remain a member of the advisory council until the appointment of their replacement for a time not to exceed 6 months from the expiration of their term.  The members of the council shall be as follows: