HB478 (2023) Compare Changes

The Bill Text indicates a repeal. This means the text being replaced is not available in the bill, and the unchanged text displayed is incomplete. The original text can be viewed by following the link to the RSA. Also, an accompanying re-enactment is not handled currently, and displayed in both unchanged and changed versions.

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

1 Ballot; Order of Names; General Election. RSA 656:5-a is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:

656:5-a Order of Candidate Names on Ballots.

I. Except for the office of state representative, whenever there are 2 or more candidates for the same office whose names will appear together within the same column or list on a ballot, the position of such names shall be determined according to this section.

II. Immediately following the close of the period during which a person may accept the nomination of a party committee pursuant to RSA 655:32, the secretary of state or designee shall conduct a public random selection of a whole number from one to the total number of candidates for each possible list length where a group of candidates for the same office may appear in the same list in state or local elections during the next 2 years. For example, for a possible list of 3 candidates, the number one, 2, or 3 shall be randomly selected. The seed number for each possible list length shall remain in effect for the 2 years until the next random selection of seed numbers.

III. To determine the order of names on each ballot, the candidates for each office in the same list shall be temporarily listed alphabetically by surnames and the positions in such list shall be temporarily numbered in ascending order. The candidate whose position in the initial temporary list equals the seed number selected under paragraph II for the appropriate list length shall appear first on the ballot. The order of candidates after the candidate in the first position shall follow alphabetically by surname with "a" following "z."

IV. Notwithstanding paragraphs I through III, for elections for the office of state representative, the order of names on the ballot during the general election shall be determined by the number of ballots received by each candidate in the primary with the person receiving the highest total of votes receiving the first position, the person receiving the second highest total of votes receiving the second position, and continuing in descending order based on the number of votes received until all positions on the ballot are filled. Candidates for the office of state representative who did not run in a primary but are eligible to appear on the general ballot shall be listed similarly with the person receiving the most signatures to appear on the ballot receiving the first position, the person receiving the second highest total of signatures receiving the second position, and continuing in descending order based on the number of signatures received.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

1 Ballot; Order of Names; General Election. RSA 656:5-a is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:

656:5-a Order of Candidate Names on Ballots.

I. Except for the office of state representative, whenever there are 2 or more candidates for the same office whose names will appear together within the same column or list on a ballot, the position of such names shall be determined according to this section.

II. Immediately following the close of the period during which a person may accept the nomination of a party committee pursuant to RSA 655:32, the secretary of state or designee shall conduct a public random selection of a whole number from one to the total number of candidates for each possible list length where a group of candidates for the same office may appear in the same list in state or local elections during the next 2 years. For example, for a possible list of 3 candidates, the number one, 2, or 3 shall be randomly selected. The seed number for each possible list length shall remain in effect for the 2 years until the next random selection of seed numbers.

III. To determine the order of names on each ballot, the candidates for each office in the same list shall be temporarily listed alphabetically by surnames and the positions in such list shall be temporarily numbered in ascending order. The candidate whose position in the initial temporary list equals the seed number selected under paragraph II for the appropriate list length shall appear first on the ballot. The order of candidates after the candidate in the first position shall follow alphabetically by surname with "a" following "z."

IV. Notwithstanding paragraphs I through III, for elections for the office of state representative, the order of names on the ballot during the general election shall be determined by the number of ballots received by each candidate in the primary with the person receiving the highest total of votes receiving the first position, the person receiving the second highest total of votes receiving the second position, and continuing in descending order based on the number of votes received until all positions on the ballot are filled. Candidates for the office of state representative who did not run in a primary but are eligible to appear on the general ballot shall be listed similarly with the person receiving the most signatures to appear on the ballot receiving the first position, the person receiving the second highest total of signatures receiving the second position, and continuing in descending order based on the number of signatures received.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.