SB113 (2023) Compare Changes

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

162:1 System Benefits; Energy Efficiency Plans. Amend RSA 374-F:3, VI-a (d)(4) to read as follows:

(4) Cost effectiveness. For the purpose of the March 1, 2022 filing, and future plan offerings, the commission's review of the cost effectiveness shall be based upon the latest completed and available Avoided Energy Supply Cost Study for New England, the results of any Evaluation, Measurement, and Valuation studies contracted for by the department of energy or joint utilities, incorporate savings impacts associated with free-ridership for those programs and measures where such free-ridership may have a material impact on savings figures, and use the Granite State Test as the primary test, with the addition of the Total Resource Cost test as a secondary test. The commission shall use benefit per unit cost as only one factor in considering whether the utilities have prioritized program offerings appropriately among and within customer classes. In no instance shall an electric utility's planned electric system savings fall below 65 percent of its overall planned energy savings.

162:2 System Benefits Charge; Adjustment; Energy Efficiency Portion. Amend RSA 374-F:3,VI-a(d) (2) to read as follows:

(2) System benefits charge and local distribution adjustment charge funding levels. For the year 2022, the energy efficiency portion of the system benefits charge shall be set at the level for 2020 authorized in Order No. 26,323 dated December 31, 2019. The energy efficiency portion of the local distribution adjustment charge shall be set at the level for 2020 authorized in Order No. 26,306 dated October 31, 2019, for Liberty Utilities (Energy North Natural Gas) Corp. and in Order No. 26,303 dated October 29, 2019, for Northern Utilities, Inc. The energy efficiency portion of the system benefits charge and local distribution adjustment charges shall adjust annually beginning January 1, 2023, and shall be calculated using the most recently available 3-year average of the consumer price index (CPI-W) as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor plus 0.25 percent all as calculated by the department of energy. Utilities subject to commission rate regulation shall submit tariff amendments altering solely the system benefits charge and local distribution adjustment charge as described, reconciled for over and under collections already occurred, as soon after the effective date of this subparagraph as possible, and every December 1 for the upcoming year thereafter.

162:3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Approved: July 28, 2023

Effective Date: September 26, 2023

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

162:1 System Benefits; Energy Efficiency Plans. Amend RSA 374-F:3, VI-a (d)(4) to read as follows:

(4) Cost effectiveness. For the purpose of the March 1, 2022 filing, and future plan offerings, the commission's review of the cost effectiveness shall be based upon the latest completed and available Avoided Energy Supply Cost Study for New England, the results of any Evaluation, Measurement, and Valuation studies contracted for by the department of energy or joint utilities, incorporate savings impacts associated with free-ridership for those programs and measures where such free-ridership may have a material impact on savings figures, and use the Granite State Test as the primary test, with the addition of the Total Resource Cost test as a secondary test. The commission shall use benefit per unit cost as only one factor in considering whether the utilities have prioritized program offerings appropriately among and within customer classes. In no instance shall an electric utility's planned electric system savings fall below 65 percent of its overall planned annual energy savings.

162:2 System Benefits Charge; Adjustment; Energy Efficiency Portion. Amend RSA 374-F:3,VI-a(d) (2) to read as follows:

(2) System benefits charge and local distribution adjustment charge funding levels. For the year 2022, the energy efficiency portion of the system benefits charge shall be set at the level for 2020 authorized in Order No. 26,323 dated December 31, 2019. The energy efficiency portion of the local distribution adjustment charge shall be set at the level for 2020 authorized in Order No. 26,306 dated October 31, 2019, for Liberty Utilities (Energy North Natural Gas) Corp. and in Order No. 26,303 dated October 29, 2019, for Northern Utilities, Inc. The energy efficiency portion of the system benefits charge and local distribution adjustment charges shall adjust annually beginning January 1, 2023, and shall be calculated using the most recently available 3-year average of the consumer price index (CPI-W) as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor as determined and verified by the department of energy. Utilities subject to commission rate regulation shall submit tariff amendments altering solely the system benefits charge and local distribution adjustment charge as described, reconciled for over and under collections already occurred, as soon after the effective date of this subparagraph as possible, and every December 1 for the upcoming year thereafter.

162:3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Approved: July 28, 2023

Effective Date: September 26, 2023