Revision: March 7, 2023, 4:08 p.m.
Election Law and Municipal Affairs
March 7, 2023
Amendment to SB 155-FN-LOCAL
Amend RSA 194-C:9, II as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:
II. The provisions of this paragraph apply to school administrative units comprising 2 or more districts. The school administrative unit board shall apportion the total amount of the budget among the constituent school districts in the following manner: The apportionment shall be based 1/2 on the average membership in attendance for the previous school year and 1/2 on the most recently available equalized valuation of each district as of June 30 of the preceding school year. Prior to January 15 in each year, the board shall certify to the chairperson of the school board of each constituent school district the amount so apportioned. Each district within a school administrative unit shall raise at the next annual district meeting the sum of money apportioned to it by the school administrative unit board for the expenses of services which each district received in connection with the school administrative unit office. The school administrative unit board in adopting the budget shall not add any new service to the school administrative unit budget unless a majority of the school districts in the school administrative unit representing not less than 60 percent of the total pupils in the school administrative unit have voted favorably upon the establishment of the service. A vote to accept a new service shall not be construed as a vote to raise and appropriate money within the meaning of RSA 197:3.
Amend the bill by inserting after section 2 the following and renumbering the original section 3 to read as 4:
3 Single District School Administrative Units; Exemption. Amend RSA 194-C:3 to read as follows:
194-C:3 Single District School Administrative Units; Exemption. Single district school administrative units shall be considered the same as a single school district and shall be exempt from meeting the requirements of this chapter, except that they shall provide superintendent services pursuant to RSA 194-C:4, they shall conduct a public hearing under RSA 194-C:10, and they shall adopt a budget and conduct budget voting pursuant to RSA 194-C:9.