Bill Text - SB174 (2023)

Relative to veterans access to health care.

Revision: May 4, 2023, 3:22 p.m.










AN ACT relative to veterans access to health care.


SPONSORS: Sen. Carson, Dist 14; Sen. D'Allesandro, Dist 20; Rep. Massimilla, Graf. 1; Rep. Edwards, Rock. 31; Rep. Moffett, Merr. 4


COMMITTEE: Health and Human Services






This bill repeals 2 unfunded statutes related to health care and mental health services for veterans.  The bill also instructs the department of health and human services and the department of military affairs and veterans services to report to the oversight committee on health and human services regarding veterans' access to health care and mental health services.


The bill is a request of the department of health and human services and the department of military affairs and veterans services.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Three


AN ACT relative to veterans access to health care.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  Legislative Findings and Purpose.

I.  The general court finds that New Hampshire’s veterans deserve effective and meaningful access to health care including behavioral health services.  With the establishment of the department of military affairs and veterans services pursuant to 2019, 273:1 et seq., the adjutant general and the commissioner of the department of health and human services continued to collaborate in leveraging available resources and coordinating interagency efforts to promote greater access by veterans to health care and behavioral health programs available through the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and through New Hampshire’s network of health care providers and behavioral health services.

II.  The general court also finds that the isolated provisions of 2020, 34:4, codified at RSA 126-A:81 and RSA 126-A:82, lack sufficient funds for implementation and do not align with current and evolving effective procedures and best practices that focus on optimizing veterans access to health care including behavioral health services.

III.  Therefore, the general court finds that these obsolete provisions of law should be repealed.

2  Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services; Report on Veterans' Access to Health Care and Mental Health Services.  On or before November 1, 2023, the department of health and human services, in collaboration with the department of military affairs and veterans services, shall report to the joint legislative oversight committee on health and human services, established in RSA 126-A:13, on veterans' access to health care and mental health services.  The report shall include, but is not limited to, a review and overview of existing programs enabling veterans to access health care and mental health services; a description of coordination of efforts for the access and delivery of these programs and services between federal and state agencies and providers; and making findings and recommendations for future legislation as appropriate.

3  End Veteran's Homelessness Program; References Removed.  Amend RSA 110-B:73-c, II(e) to read as follows:

(e)  Connecting veterans experiencing homelessness to health, mental health, employment, entrepreneurship, and training resources through the services described under [RSA 126-A:81, RSA 126-A:82,] RSA 162-A:9-b, RSA 282-A:117-b, RSA 282-A:117-c, RSA 110-B:73-a, RSA 110-B:73-b, RSA 153-A:20, XXV, RSA 187-A:20-d, RSA 188-F:16-b, RSA 326-B:9, XIII, and RSA 328-D:10, I(j).

4  Repeal.  The following are repealed:

I.  RSA 126-A:81, relative to access to health care for veterans and the navigator training program.

II.  RSA 126-A:82, relative to access to mental health services for veterans.

5  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.