Amendment 2023-1257s to SB238 (2023)

(New Title) relative to prescribing opioids via telehealth medicine.

Revision: March 30, 2023, 10:16 a.m.

Sen. Prentiss, Dist 5

Sen. Bradley, Dist 3

Sen. Carson, Dist 14

March 30, 2023





Floor Amendment to SB 238-FN


Amend the bill by inserting after section 5 the following and renumbering the original section 6 to read as 7:


6  New Subparagraph; Office of Professional Licensure and Certification; Telemedicine.  Amend RSA 310-A:1-g, V by inserting after subparagraph (d) the following new subparagraph:

(e) Obtain oral or written consent from the patient or, if the patient is a minor, from the patient’s parent or guardian unless state or federal law allows a minor to consent to treatment without the consent of a parent or guardian, for the provision of services through telemedicine.  For services delivered through telemedicine on an ongoing basis, the practitioner need obtain consent from the patient or parent or guardian only once.




This bill permits doctors and APRNs to use telemedicine to prescribe medication to treat mental health conditions.  The bill also clarifies the consent required to provide telemedicine services to a minor.