Amendment 2023-2237EBA to SB74 (2023)

Relative to the department of administrative services.

Revision: July 11, 2023, 1:44 p.m.

June 27, 2023




Enrolled Bill Amendment to SB 74-FN


The Committee on Enrolled Bills to which was referred SB 74-FN



AN ACT relative to the department of administrative services.



Having considered the same, report the same with the following amendment, and the recommendation that the bill as amended ought to pass.










Explanation to Enrolled Bill Amendment to SB 74-FN


This enrolled bill amendment makes technical corrections and updates the text of an RSA amended in 2023, 79 (HB 2).


Enrolled Bill Amendment to SB 74-FN


Amend sections 1 and 2 of the bill by replacing them with the following:


1  Division of Personnel.  Amend introductory paragraph RSA 21-I:42 and RSA 21-I:42, I to read as follows:

21-I:42 Division of Personnel.  There is hereby established within the department of administrative services the division of personnel, under the supervision of an unclassified director of personnel appointed under RSA 21-I:2, who shall be the only individual in the executive branch to refer to themselves as the director of personnel and hold such a title, whether in whole or in part, and who shall report to the commissioner and be responsible for the following functions in accordance with applicable laws:

I.  Managing a centralized [personnel operation] human resources processing operations unit which shall provide for the recruitment, appointment, compensation, promotion, transfer, layoff, removal and discipline of state employees.

2  Division of Personnel.  RSA 21-I:42, VI is repealed an reenacted to read as follows:

VI.  Developing a program for the recruitment, selection, placement, and retention of qualified applicants in the state service.


Amend section 8 of the bill by replacing line 1 with the following:


8  Terms Defined.  Amend RSA 98-A:1, I - V to read as follows:


Amend section 16 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


16  Salary Adjustment Fund.  Amend RSA 99:4 to read as follows:

99:4 [Salary] Pay Adjustment Fund.  Whereas the appropriations for personal services in state departments and institutions include an annual increment for each position, and whereas upon occasion due to vacancies and personnel turnover, [salaries] pay increment increases and longevity as provided by the appropriations are not needed for said positions, each quarter the department of administrative services shall review accounts and transfer said amount, if needed, from the departmental or institutional appropriation to a special account to be known as the [salary] pay adjustment fund.  This fund shall lapse at the end of each fiscal year and revert to the appropriate fund.  Under no circumstances will this fund be used for temporary positions or new positions.  Upon the certification of the commissioner of the department of administrative services, subject to the approval of governor and council, the [salary] pay adjustment fund shall be available for transfer to departments and institutions in amounts that are necessary to pay any legally authorized salaries for employees in the classified system, followed by an annual informational report to the governor and council after fiscal year end.


Amend paragraph I of section 23 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


I.  RSA 21-I:55, relative to an exception for temporary employees of the department of transportation.