Amendment 2023-2214CofC to SB78 (2023)

Relative to subdivision regulations on the completion of improvements.

Revision: June 20, 2023, 11:31 a.m.

June 20, 2023






Committee of Conference Report on SB 78-FN, relative to subdivision regulations on the completion of improvements.



That the Senate recede from its position of nonconcurrence with the House amendment, and concur with the House amendment, and

That the Senate and House adopt the following new amendment to the bill as amended by the House, and pass the bill as so amended:


Amend RSA 674:36, IV as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


IV.  The planning board limitations under this section shall not require letter of credit, cash, or passbook as the only method securing the completion of the work.  A planning board shall allow road and utility construction to start without a bond, however, a bond for the infrastructure, roads, and utilities must be in place prior to the sale of any parcel of land within the subdivision or a request for a building permit for structures for human occupation.  The planning board shall not require that forfeiture or automatic call bonds be provided by the developer.

The signatures below attest to the authenticity of this Report on SB 78-FN, relative to subdivision regulations on the completion of improvements.


Conferees on the Part of the Senate Conferees on the Part of the House



_________________________________________ _______________________________________

Sen. Gray, Dist. 6 Rep. L. Turcotte, Straf. 4



_________________________________________ _______________________________________

Sen. Innis, Dist. 7 Rep. Pauer, Hills. 36



_________________________________________ _______________________________________

Sen. Soucy, Dist. 18 Rep. Infantine, Hills. 16




Rep. Stavis, Graf. 13