Amendment 2024-0976h to HB1084 (2024)

Relative to qualifications for the commissioner of education.

Revision: March 21, 2024, 8:20 a.m.

Rep. Selig, Straf. 10

Rep. Luneau, Merr. 9

March 5, 2024





Amendment to HB 1084


Amend the bill by inserting after section 1 the following and renumbering the original section 2 to read as 3:


2  Applicability.  RSA 21-N:3, I, as amended by section 1 of this act, shall not affect the current term of the commissioner of education or deputy commissioner of education.  RSA 21-N:3, I, as amended by section 1 of this act, shall apply to appointments or reappointments made on or after the effective date of this act.