Amendment 2024-2116s to HB1127 (2024)

(New Title) relative to the revocation and suspension of drivers' licenses and to invalidating out-of-state driver's licenses issued to undocumented immigrants.

Revision: May 23, 2024, 3:49 p.m.

Sen. Gannon, Dist 23

May 21, 2024





Floor Amendment to HB 1127


Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the following:


AN ACT relative to the revocation and suspension of drivers' licenses and to invalidating out-of-state driver's licenses issued to undocumented immigrants.


Amend the bill by replacing all after section 6 with the following:


7  New Paragraph; Drivers License Penalty; Invalidate Undocumented Immigrants.  Amend RSA 263:1 by inserting after paragraph III. the following new paragraph:

IV.  Any person who holds a driver license that is of a class of licenses issued by another state exclusively to undocumented immigrants who are unable to prove lawful presence in the United States when the licenses are issued, the driver license, or other permit purporting to authorize the holder to operate a motor vehicle on public roadways, is invalid in this state and does not authorize the holder to operate a motor vehicle in this state.  Such classes of licenses include licenses that are issued exclusively to undocumented immigrants or licenses that are substantially the same as licenses issued to citizens, residents, or those lawfully present in the United States, but have markings establishing that the license holder did not exercise the option of providing proof of lawful presence.

(a)  Any person who drives a motor vehicle in this state holding a driver license that is of a class of licenses described in paragraph IV shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor.

(b)  The department, to facilitate the enforcement of this paragraph and to aid in providing notice to the public and visitors of invalid licenses, shall maintain on its website a list of out-of-state classes of driver licenses that are invalid in this state.

8  Driver License Compact; Undocumented Foreign State Licenses Invalid.  Amend RSA 263:77, I(b)(2) to read as follows:

(2)  Except as specified in RSA 263:1, IV, [Make] make the reciprocal recognition of licenses to drive and eligibility therefor more just and equitable by considering the overall compliance with motor vehicle laws, ordinances and administrative rules and regulations as a condition precedent to the continuance or issuance of any license by reason of which the licensee is authorized or permitted to operate a motor vehicle in any of the party states.

9  Repeal.  RSA 263:12, IV, relative to failure to surrender license, is repealed.

10  Effective Date.  

I.  Sections 7-8 of this act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

II.  The remainder of this act shall take effect January 1, 2025.




This bill allows individuals with suspended licenses to mow their lawns without penalty and eliminates the requirement that drivers with suspended licenses surrender their licenses to the department of motor vehicles.  This bill also invalidates out-of-state driver's licenses issued specifically to undocumented immigrants.