HB1183 (2024) Compare Changes

The Bill Text indicates a new section is being inserted. This situation is not handled right now, and the new text is displayed in both the changed and unchanged versions.

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

1 New Section; Conveyances of Realty; Prohibition Added. Amend RSA 477 by inserting after section 22-a the following new section:

477:22-b Prohibition on Acquisition of Agricultural or Farm Land and Land Essential to Critical Industries; People's Republic of China.

I. Any company or development owned or controlled by a company that is owned, in whole or in part, by, or is a subsidiary of, a company that is owned by the People's Republic of China or the Chinese Communist Party or whose principal place of business is located within the People's Republic of China shall not own, lease, possess, or exercise any control over agricultural or farm land, and any land deemed essential to the security of our state, including critical industries, to include technology, manufacturing and health care.

II. For purposes of this section:

(a) "Chinese Communist Party" includes all agencies, institutions, and instrumentalities of the Chinese Communist Party.

(b) "Company'"or "development" means a sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, trust, venture, group, subgroup, or any other entity or organization, its subsidiary or affiliate that exists for-profit-making purposes or to otherwise secure economic advantage.

(c) "People's Republic of China" includes all agencies, institutions, instrumentalities, and political subdivisions of the People's Republic of China.

III. Any person who fails to comply with this section shall be guilty of a felony.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2025.

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

1 New Section; Conveyances of Realty; Prohibition Added. Amend RSA 477 by inserting after section 22-a the following new section:

477:22-b Prohibition on Acquisition of Agricultural or Farm Land and Land Essential to Critical Industries; People's Republic of China.

I. Any company or development owned or controlled by a company that is owned, in whole or in part, by, or is a subsidiary of, a company that is owned by the People's Republic of China or the Chinese Communist Party or whose principal place of business is located within the People's Republic of China shall not own, lease, possess, or exercise any control over agricultural or farm land, and any land deemed essential to the security of our state, including critical industries, to include technology, manufacturing and health care.

II. For purposes of this section:

(a) "Chinese Communist Party" includes all agencies, institutions, and instrumentalities of the Chinese Communist Party.

(b) "Company'"or "development" means a sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, trust, venture, group, subgroup, or any other entity or organization, its subsidiary or affiliate that exists for-profit-making purposes or to otherwise secure economic advantage.

(c) "People's Republic of China" includes all agencies, institutions, instrumentalities, and political subdivisions of the People's Republic of China.

III. Any person who fails to comply with this section shall be guilty of a felony.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2025.