Amendment 2024-1845s to HB1202 (2024)

(New Title) relative to the issuance of permits for the alteration of driveways exiting onto public ways and relative to the definition of disability or special needs under the child care scholarship program.

Revision: May 8, 2024, 12:55 p.m.

Senate Transportation

May 8, 2024





Amendment to HB 1202-FN


Amend RSA 236:13, IV-a-V as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


IV-a.  For any existing or proposed residential use of land, including multifamily development that is not classified as a major driveway under the department's policy relating to driveways and access to the state highway system, the department shall issue the permit described in paragraph II within 60 days of receiving a completed application.

V.  The same powers concerning highways under their jurisdiction as are conferred upon the commissioner of transportation by paragraphs I, II, III, and IV shall be conferred upon the planning board or governing body in cities and towns in which the planning board or governing body has been granted the power to regulate the grading and improvement of streets within a subdivision as provided in RSA 674:35, and they shall adopt such regulations as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.  Such regulations may delegate administrative duties, including actual issuance of permits, to a highway agent, board of selectmen, or other qualified official or body.  Such regulations, or any permit issued under them, may contain provisions governing the breach, removal, and reconstruction of stone walls or fences within, or at the boundary of, the public right of way, and any landowner or landowner's agent altering a boundary in accordance with such provisions shall be deemed to be acting under a mutual agreement with the city or town pursuant to RSA 472:6, II(a).  The planning board or its delegate shall act on permits under this section within 65 days after notification of issuance.