Amendment 2024-1961s to HB1215 (2024)

(Second New Title) relative to development approvals and appeals, and allowing the town of Hampton to discontinue a particular highway in order to lease that property.

Revision: May 15, 2024, 10:11 a.m.

Election Law and Municipal Affairs

May 14, 2024





Amendment to HB 1215


Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the following:


AN ACT relative to development approvals and appeals, and allowing the town of Hampton to discontinue a particular highway in order to lease that property.


Amend the bill by replacing all after section 4 with the following:


5  Housing Appeals Board; Authority and Duties; Appeals of Decisions by the Building Code Review Board.  Amend RSA 679:5, IV to read as follows:

IV.  After local remedies have been exhausted, appeals may be brought before the board by an applicant to the municipal board, committee, or commission, or by any other aggrieved or injured party who can demonstrate legal standing to appeal pursuant to RSA 677:4 or RSA 677:15.  The municipality shall be a party to the action.  If the applicant is not the party initiating the action before the board, then the applicant shall automatically be an intervenor.  The board shall grant intervenor status to abutters and to any other aggrieved or injured party who can demonstrate legal standing to appeal pursuant to RSA 677:4 or RSA 677:15.  Decisions of the state fire marshal that may be appealed under RSA 155-A:11, I and final decisions of a local building code board of appeals that may be appealed under RSA 155-A:11-b shall first be appealed to the building code review board pursuant to those sections.  Decisions of the building code review board on such appeals may then be appealed either to superior court pursuant to RSA 155-A:12 or the board under this chapter.

6  Power to Discontinue; Town of Hampton.  

I.  Notwithstanding RSA 231:43, I-III, prior to the next town meeting, the town of Hampton's select board may vote to discontinue the portion of D Street in the town of Hampton from the intersection of D Street and Ocean Boulevard (NH Rt. 1A) to the intersection of D Street and Ashworth Avenue for the purpose of entering into a long-term lease on such property.  Prior to any vote to discontinue such highway, the select board shall:

(a)  For the purpose of obtaining input regarding the discontinuance of the aforementioned portion of D Street for long-term leasing, hold at least one public meeting in accordance with RSA 91-A with:

(1)  The commissioners of the Hampton Beach Village District;

(2)  The commissioners of the Hampton Beach Area Commission; and

(3)  The Town of Hampton Planning Board.

(b)  After holding the meetings in subparagraph (a), hold 2 public hearings on the proposed discontinuance in accordance with RSA 91-A at least 10, but not more than 14 days apart.  Any vote on the discontinuance shall happen no sooner than 7 days nor later than 14 days after the second public hearing.  A majority vote by the board is required to authorize discontinuance;

(c)  Notify each abutter to the portion of D Street in the town of Hampton from the intersection of D Street and Ocean Boulevard (NH Rt. 1A) to the intersection of D Street and Ashworth Avenue of the date, time, place, and purpose of each hearing not less than 14 days prior to each hearing by verified mail as defined in RSA 21:53.

7  Authority to Rent Discontinued Highway; Town of Hampton

Notwithstanding RSA 41-11-a, the legislative body of the town of Hampton may, upon a majority vote of the select board to discontinue the portion of D Street in the town of Hampton from the intersection of D Street and Ocean Boulevard (NH Rt. 1A) to the intersection of D Street and Ashworth Avenue, authorize the board to lease the discontinued portion of the highway for up to 99 years without further vote or ratification.  Such authority shall remain in place for the duration of the lease and shall not be subject to rescission.

8  Prospective Repeal; 2025.  Sections 6 and 7 of this act are hereby repealed.

9  Effective Date.

I.  Sections 1-5 of this act shall take effect July 1, 2024.

II.  Section 8 of this act shall take effect March 10, 2025.

III.  The remainder of this act shall take effect upon its passage.




This bill:


I.  Extends the existing 5-year exemption for subdivision plats to 10 years and increases the preliminary step from 2 years to 5 years.  


II.  Changes the building code and fire code appeals process, limiting the jurisdiction of the local building code board of appeals to hearing decisions made under local amendments to those codes.  


III.  Provides that decisions of the building code review board regarding decisions of the fire marshal and local building code board of appeals may be appealed to superior court or the housing appeals board.


IV.  Allows the town of Hampton to discontinue a particular highway in order to lease that property.