Bill Text - HB1247 (2024)

Relative to requiring the display of certain information concerning Selective Service registration at driver licensing and school military recruiting locations.

Revision: Oct. 23, 2023, 11:54 a.m.






HOUSE BILL [bill number]


AN ACT relative to requiring the display of certain information concerning Selective Service registration at driver licensing and school military recruiting locations.


SPONSORS: [sponsors]


COMMITTEE: [committee]






This bill requires a form to be available at locations of state driver's licensing and at schools hosting military recruiters concerning compliance in registration with the Selective Service System.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Four


AN ACT relative to requiring the display of certain information concerning Selective Service registration at driver licensing and school military recruiting locations.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  New Paragraphs; Drivers' Licenses; Compliance With Federal Selective Service Requirements.  Amend RSA 263:5-c by inserting after paragraph II the following new paragraphs:

II-a. The application form shall include a check box to indicate that the applicant is a conscientious objector, being scrupulous to the bearing of arms, and therefore ineligible for conscription to the armed forces, to be likewise submitted to the Selective Service System. If the Selective Service System is unable or unwilling to receive such information then no information regarding such persons, as indicated by checking the box, being conscientious objectors, including identifying information, shall be transmitted to the Selective Service System.

II-b.  At any location issuing driver's licenses within the state, a form shall be available and visible nearby which includes the following:

"Constitutional Selective Service Act

No resident or citizen of the State of New Hampshire may be drafted into service of the armed forces of the United States except in case of invasion of the United States by a foreign military, or war having been declared by the United States Congress in accordance with Article 1 Section 8 of the United States Constitution. A resolution authorizing military force shall not be considered a “declaration of war” for the purposes of this section. No citizen or resident of the State of New Hampshire shall be drafted or conscripted into any private, semi-private, or paramilitary armed service.

Attempted or actual forcible conscription into any armed service outside those explicit exceptions outlined herein shall be considered a felonious criminal use of force justifying the use of force in defense of oneself or another in accordance with New Hampshire law, and subject to prosecution under New Hampshire law for felony assault, kidnapping, and in any instance where unlawful forcible conscription leads to death, manslaughter or murder, as applicable. Threats of incarceration, intimidation, and unlawful coercion in furtherance of unlawful attempted or actual conscription shall be considered criminal assault. No assertion of sovereign or qualified immunity shall have merit in alleged violations of this section.

No agent of the New Hampshire Executive shall assist in any way toward the conscription of New Hampshire citizens or residents into any armed service except that of the New Hampshire guard or militia during Constitutionally declared war or war or call up."

2  New Paragraph; Schools; Military Recruiters Access.  Amend RSA 186:68 by inserting after paragraph III the following new paragraph:

IV.  At any location in a public high school or all institution within the state university system hosting a military recruiter or administering the ASVAB, a form shall be available and visible nearby which includes the following:

"Constitutional Selective Service Act

No resident or citizen of the State of New Hampshire may be drafted into service of the armed forces of the United States except in case of invasion of the United States by a foreign military, or war having been declared by the United States Congress in accordance with Article 1 Section 8 of the United States Constitution. A resolution authorizing military force shall not be considered a “declaration of war” for the purposes of this section. No citizen or resident of the State of New Hampshire shall be drafted or conscripted into any private, semi-private, or paramilitary armed service.

Attempted or actual forcible conscription into any armed service outside those explicit exceptions outlined herein shall be considered a felonious criminal use of force justifying the use of force in defense of oneself or another in accordance with New Hampshire law, and subject to prosecution under New Hampshire law for felony assault, kidnapping, and in any instance where unlawful forcible conscription leads to death, manslaughter or murder, as applicable. Threats of incarceration, intimidation, and unlawful coercion in furtherance of unlawful attempted or actual conscription shall be considered criminal assault. No assertion of sovereign or qualified immunity shall have merit in alleged violations of this section.

No agent of the New Hampshire Executive shall assist in any way toward the conscription of New Hampshire citizens or residents into any armed service except that of the New Hampshire guard or militia during Constitutionally declared war or war or call up."

3  Repeals.  RSA 187-A:38 through RSA 187-A:41, relative to Selective Service registration awareness and compliance, are repealed.

4  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.