Revision: Jan. 24, 2024, 11:14 a.m.
House Judiciary
January 22, 2024
Amendment to HB 1274-FN
Amend the bill by deleting section 2 and renumbering the original sections 3 and 4 to read as 2 and 3, respectively.
Amend the bill by inserting after section 3 the following:
4 Appropriations; Transfer of Appropriations, Judicial Branch. Amend RSA 9:17-d to read as follows:
9:17-d Transfer of Appropriations, Judicial Branch. The supreme court may transfer funds for any specific purposes to funds for other purposes in the general appropriations for any accounting unit within the judicial branch, provided that any transfer of [$75,000] $100,000 or more shall require prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court, and provided that no funds may be transferred in violation of the provisions of RSA 9:17-a or any other restriction provided by law. The judicial branch shall certify such transfers to the commissioner of administrative services. The certification shall state that the transfers are necessary to efficiently carry out the functions of the courts and that the legislative fiscal committee has approved the transfers. The provisions of this section shall not supersede the provisions of RSA 99:4 and RSA 9:17-a.
This bill makes changes to various statutes as requested by the judicial council:
1. This bill amends the requirements for who can serve on the judicial council.
2. This bill amends the requirements for when a person is arrested with or without a warrant.
3. This bill authorizes the courts to appoint contract or other qualified attorneys in the first instance, provides for the repeal of this provision, and requires a report to be issued on the fiscal impact of this provision.
4. This bill raises the threshold amount to trigger the requirement of approval of the fiscal committee of the general court for the supreme court to transfer appropriated funds.