Amendment 2024-0774h to HB1312 (2024)

Requiring parental notification of student health or well-being and certain curricula by school districts.

Revision: March 6, 2024, 3:23 p.m.

Rep. Cordelli, Carr. 7

February 20, 2024





Amendment to HB 1312


Amend the bill by replacing section 2 with the following:


2  New Paragraph; Parental Notification of Changes in Student Mental Well-Being.  Amend RSA 186:11 by inserting after paragraph IX-d the following new paragraph:

IX-e.  Require School Districts to Adopt a Policy on Parental Notification of Changes in Student’s Mental and Emotional Well-Being, or Related Services.  A school district may not adopt policies, procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from answering questions from a parent about his or her student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being, sexuality, or a change in related services or monitoring, or that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a student to withhold from a parent such information.  School district personnel may not discourage or prohibit parental notification of and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being.  This paragraph does not prohibit a school district from adopting procedures that permit school personnel to withhold such information from a parent if a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect pursuant to RSA 169-C:3.




This bill expands notice requirements by school districts to parents for certain curriculum course material, and prohibits school districts from adopting policies that prohibit employees from answering questions from parents about students' well-being.