Amendment 2024-1827s to HB1313 (2024)

Relative to access to the voter checklist by candidates.

Revision: May 8, 2024, 9:38 a.m.

Election Law and Municipal Affairs

May 7, 2024





Amendment to HB 1313-FN-LOCAL


Amend RSA 654:31, II as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


II. In towns and cities, the public checklist as corrected by the supervisors shall be open for the examination of any person at all times before the opening of a meeting or election at which the list is to be used. The supervisors of the checklist or city or town clerk shall furnish a physical copy or an electronic copy of the most recent public checklist of their town or city to any person requesting such copy. If a person requests an electronic copy, the supervisors of the checklist, or the city or town clerk, shall notify the person requesting the copy of the electronic format options available from which the person requesting may choose. Options shall include an electronic copy, to be sent via email, of at least one sortable format such as a spreadsheet or other electronic media provided by the clerk.  One free request may be made per election before a fee of up to $25 may be charged for such an electronic copy sent by email or provided via other electronic media provided by the clerk.  The supervisors of the checklist or city or town clerk may only provide checklist information for their town or city. The supervisors of the checklist or city or town clerk shall charge a fee of $25 for each paper copy of the public checklist for a town or ward. For public checklists containing more than 2,500 names, the supervisors of the checklist or city or town clerk shall charge a fee of $25, plus $0.50 per thousand names or portion thereof in excess of 2,500, plus any shipping costs. The supervisors of the checklist or city or town clerk may provide public checklist information on paper, [computer disk, computer tape, electronic transfer,] or in electronic formats, or any other form.