Amendment 2024-2359EBA to HB1358 (2024)

(Third New Title) relative to tenant and contract manufacturers of beer, wine, and liquor and establishing a committee to study the acquisition of land by China.

Revision: July 12, 2024, 1:47 p.m.

July 9, 2024




Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 1358


The Committee on Enrolled Bills to which was referred HB 1358



AN ACT relative to tenant and contract manufacturers of beer, wine, and liquor; allowing pharmacists to administer influenza, COVID-19, and other FDA licensed vaccines without explicit approval from the general court; and, restricting the purchase of real property on or around military installations.



Having considered the same, report the same with the following amendment, and the recommendation that the bill as amended ought to pass.










Explanation to Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 1358


This enrolled bill amendment amends the title of the bill to reflect its content and makes a grammatical correction.



Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 1358


Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the following:


AN ACT relative to tenant and contract manufacturers of beer, wine, and liquor and establishing a committee to study the acquisition of land by China.


Amend RSA 178:8-a, I as inserted by section 7 of the bill by replacing line 1 with the following:


I.  A holder of a tenant wine manufacturer license may manufacture and/or package wine on