Bill Text - HB1388 (2024)

(New Title) relative to ethical standards for members of the general court.

Revision: Dec. 4, 2023, 9:08 a.m.






HOUSE BILL [bill number]


AN ACT relative to recusal by members of the general court for conflicts of interest.


SPONSORS: [sponsors]


COMMITTEE: [committee]






This bill defines "conflict of interest" and makes provisions for the recusal of members of the general court for conflicts of interest.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Four


AN ACT relative to recusal by members of the general court for conflicts of interest.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  Findings; Purpose.  The general court hereby finds:

I.  That part II, article 7 of the New Hampshire constitution states:  "No member of the general court shall take fees, be of counsel, or act as advocate, in any cause before either branch of the Legislature; and upon due proof thereof, such member shall forfeit his seat in the Legislature."

II.  That the general court has adopted principles of public service including the principle requiring "independent, objective judgment in performing a legislator's duties and deciding all matters on the merits free from conflicts of interest and both real and apparent improper influences."

III.  That the New Hampshire general court, consistent with RSA 14-B:3, has adopted guidelines prohibiting legislators from engaging in certain activities.

IV.  That in order to comply with New Hampshire's constitutional requirements, to satisfy statutory requirements, and to maintain the confidence of the New Hampshire citizenry in official legislative activities, recusal from voting on any legislation when there is a conflict of interest is sometimes required.

2  Conflicts of Interest.  Amend the chapter title of RSA 14-C to read as follows:




3  New Sections; Recusal for Conflicts of Interest.  Amend RSA 14-C by inserting after section 4 the following new sections:

14-C:4-a  Recusal for Conflicts of Interest.  A legislator shall recuse himself or herself from voting during any official legislative activity when the legislator, or the legislator’s household member: 

I.  Has a conflict of interest in the official legislative activity.

II.  Is receiving remuneration from an employer which has a conflict of interest in the official legislative activity.

III.  Is acting as counsel or serving as an attorney for any party which has a conflict of interest in the official legislative activity.

IV.  Serves in any official capacity with fiduciary limitations in an organization whether nonprofit or for profit which is the subject of the official legislative activity.

14-C:4-b  Disclosure for Conflicts of Interest.  A legislator shall verbally disclose on the record before participating in testimony in committee or debate on the house floor or senate floor when the legislator, or the legislator’s household member: 

I.  Has a conflict of interest in the official legislative activity.

II.  Is receiving remuneration from an employer which has a conflict of interest in the official legislative activity.

III.  Is acting as counsel or serving as an attorney for any party which has a conflict of interest in the official legislative activity.

IV.  Serves in any official capacity with fiduciary limitations in an organization whether nonprofit or for profit which is the subject of the official legislative activity.

14-C:4-c  Exclusions to Recusal for Conflicts of Interest.  The restriction on voting shall not apply to budget or general revenue bills.

4  Legislative Ethics; Definition; Conflict of Interest.  Amend RSA 14-B:1, I to read as follows:

I.  "Conflict of interest" means the condition in which a legislator has a [special] financial interest or a non-financial personal interest in any matter which could directly or indirectly affect or influence the performance of the legislator's official activities.  In this paragraph:

(a)  A financial interest exists where a legislator, or the legislator’s household member, could stand to gain or lose anything of material value as a result of the official activity.

(b)  A non-financial personal interest exists where a legislator, or the legislator’s household member, has a responsibility for the welfare of an organization by virtue of holding a position with a fiduciary responsibility, such as a board member, trustee, or director. 

5  Repeal.  RSA 14-B:1, V, relative to the definition of special interests relative to legislative ethics, is repealed.

6  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 30 days after its passage.