Amendment 2024-1076h to HB1413 (2024)

(New Title) relative to mental health supervision agreements and relative to establishing a committee to study increasing access to and accountability for mental health services.

Revision: March 18, 2024, 2:42 p.m.

Rep. Simon, Graf. 1

March 11, 2024





Amendment to HB 1413


Amend the bill by replacing section 1 with the following:


1  Mental Health Practice; Candidates for Mental Health Licensure.  Amend RSA 330-A:22, II(b) to read as follows:

(b) The supervisor shall assume professional, ethical, and legal responsibility for mental health services provided by the candidate in a written agreement on record with the board. [The supervisor must assume both professional and legal responsibility in the agreement.]




This bill revises the requirements for the written agreement that must be on record with the board of mental health practice concerning a supervisor's responsibilities with respect to a candidate for mental health licensure.