Bill Text - HB1431 (2024)

Relative to utility requirements for integrated distribution planning.

Revision: Dec. 6, 2023, 9:46 a.m.






HOUSE BILL [bill number]


AN ACT relative to utility requirements for integrated distribution planning.


SPONSORS: [sponsors]


COMMITTEE: [committee]






This bill requires public utilities to file an integrated distribution plan with the public utilities commission.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Four


AN ACT relative to utility requirements for integrated distribution planning.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  Subdivision Heading; Electric Utility Integrated Distribution Planning. Amend the subdivision heading preceding RSA 378:37 to read as follows:

[Least Cost Energy Planning]

Electric Utility Integrated Distribution Planning

2  Electric Utility Integrated Distribution Planning.  RSA 378:37 through 378:40 are repealed and reenacted to read as follows:

378:37  New Hampshire Energy Policy.  The general court declares that it shall be the energy policy of this state to meet the energy needs of the citizens and businesses of the state with reasonable and fair electric rates that consider the financial stability of the state's utilities, while providing for the reliability, resiliency, and diversity of energy sources; the use of cost effective energy efficiency and other demand side resources; and protection of the safety and health of the citizens, the physical environment of the state, and the future supplies of resources.

378:38  Submission of Plans to the Commission.  Each electric utility, as defined by RSA 362:2, shall file an integrated distribution plan, which includes the utility’s planning processes, standards and methodologies, that serve as the foundation to establish all the applicable distribution programs necessary to improve reliability and resilience, grid modernization and grid capacity to enable electrification for its residential, commercial, and industrial customers.  Plans must be filed with the commission within 5 years of the previous plan’s approval.  Such plans shall include:

I.  A comprehensive forecast of 10-year electric demand for the utility's service area.

II.  An assessment of demand-side energy management programs, including energy efficiency programs authorized by RSA 374-F:3 VI-a, and other load management programs, with the intent of maximizing the benefits of such programs.

III.  An assessment of distribution infrastructure necessary to ensure a reliable and resilient electric system capable of meeting the forecasted customer demand.  Such assessments shall include consideration of the benefits and costs of grid modernization, as defined by RSA 374-F:2, XI.

IV.  An assessment of potential non-wires solutions, consistent with the utility’s non-wires alternative framework on file with the commission.

V.  An assessment of the plan's long- and short-term environmental, economic, and energy price impact on the state.

VI.  An assessment of the plan’s integration and consistency with the state energy strategy authorized under RSA 12-P.

378:39  Integrated Distribution Plans Required; Commission Review.

I.  The commission shall conduct an adjudicative proceeding for the purpose of reviewing an integrated distribution plan under this subdivision.  For this purpose, the commission shall within 10 days of receiving such a plan, provide the public notice required of such proceedings pursuant to RSA 541-A:31, III.  The commission shall either approve, reject, or modify the plan in no more than one year after the plan is filed.  Should the commission reject a plan it will provide sufficient specificity as to how the plan does not meet the requirements of this statute and give the utility adequate opportunity to remedy the plan.  The utility will have 6 months to amend and resubmit the plan for approval, and the commission shall approve, reject, or modify the amended plan within 4 weeks of resubmission.  This process using this timing will repeat until a plan is approved.  Until the new plan is approved the previously approved plan will remain in effect.

II.  The commission, by order, may waive for good cause any requirement of this subdivision upon written request by a utility.

378:40  Standard for Approval.  The commission shall after notice and hearing accept and approve an integrated distribution plan upon a finding that the plan satisfies the requirements set forth in RSA 378:38.

3  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.