Amendment 2024-0845EBA to HB154 (2024)

(New Title) relative to electronic ballot counting devices.

Revision: Feb. 22, 2024, 1:28 p.m.

February 22, 2024




Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 154


The Committee on Enrolled Bills to which was referred HB 154



AN ACT relative to electronic ballot counting devices.



Having considered the same, report the same with the following amendment, and the recommendation that the bill as amended ought to pass.










Explanation to Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 154


This enrolled bill amendment updates paragraph numbers.



Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 154



Amend the bill by replacing line 1 of RSA 659:73, V as inserted by section 24 with the following:


[V.] IV.  The moderator shall record and sign a names on checklist form within 48 hours of the


Amend the bill by replacing line 1 of RSA 659:73, VI as inserted by section 24 with the following:


[VI.] V.  The moderator shall record and sign a ballots cast form prepared by the secretary of


Amend the bill by replacing line 1 of RSA 659:73, VII as inserted by section 24 with the following:


[VII.] VI.  The town or city clerk may require that forms be completed under this section earlier