HB1570 (2024) Detail

(New Title) requiring the department of education to conduct a facility assessment of public schools and public chartered schools.



8Feb2024... 0336h

11Apr2024... 1037h







AN ACT requiring the department of education to conduct a facility assessment of public schools and public chartered schools.


SPONSORS: Rep. Ladd, Graf. 5


COMMITTEE: Education






This bill directs the department of education to contract with a vendor to conduct a facility assessment of public schools and public chartered schools and directs the department to request additional funding for this purpose.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

8Feb2024... 0336h

11Apr2024... 1037h 24-2114





In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Four


AN ACT requiring the department of education to conduct a facility assessment of public schools and public chartered schools.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  Grant for School Construction; Facility Assessment Required.  Amend RSA 198:15-a, V to read as follows:

V.(a)  The department of education shall develop and maintain a 10-year school facilities plan of potential school building grant projects. Potential projects shall include, but not be limited to, criteria pursuant to RSA 198:15-c, II(b). The 10-year plan is intended to create a method to identify and enhance school facilities in a safe, healthy, and efficient manner while providing adequate learning environments for New Hampshire's students. The 10-year plan shall be updated every biennium to provide the department a summary of projects and school facility capital expenditures that are anticipated for the next 10 years. The plan shall identify new construction, renovation, and emergency projects, and describe the overall condition of projects contained in the plan. In support of the 10-year plan, it is recommended that each district have in place and provide the department a long-range capital improvement program that identifies school facility goals, provides projected expenditures, and outlines procedures and guidelines to be followed to accomplish goals.  Each district is encouraged to review and update the district’s anticipated school facility capital improvement plan on a 2-year recurring basis or as needed.  The department shall use this information to better plan, prioritize, and project new anticipated capital construction and renovation expenditures relative to the state building aid program.  The state board of education shall adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A relative to this paragraph.

(b)  To comply with requirements in subparagraph V(a), the department of education shall contract with a vendor to conduct a facility assessment of public schools and chartered public schools, and to create a ranked list of schools most in need of construction or renovation.  The contractor will be selected through the statewide contracting process, pursuant to RSA 4:15.

2  Appropriations.

I.  For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the commissioner of education may request the fiscal committee of the general court authorize additional funding for the purpose of meeting the requirements of RSA 198:15-a, V(a) and (b), relative to contracting with an outside vendor to conduct a facility assessment of public schools and public chartered schools, and to create a ranked list of schools most in need of construction or renovation. Amounts requested under this paragraph shall be a charge to the education trust fund.  For funds requested and approved, the governor is authorized to draw a warrant from any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

II.  For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026, and each year thereafter, the department may include in its efficiency expenditure request under RSA 9:4 sufficient funds for the continued cost of complying with the provisions of RSA 198:15-a, V(a) and (b).

3  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.




Amended 5/13/24





AN ACT requiring the department of education to conduct a facility assessment of public schools and public chartered schools.


FISCAL IMPACT:      [ X ] State              [    ] County               [    ] Local              [    ] None



Estimated State Impact - Increase / (Decrease)


FY 2024

FY 2025

FY 2026

FY 2027






Revenue Fund(s)




Initial cost estimated to be between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000, with ongoing costs estimated to be between $250,000 and $500,000 per year

Funding Source(s)

Education Trust Fund



Authorization to Request Funds Through the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee



Funding Source(s)

Education Trust Fund

Does this bill provide sufficient funding to cover estimated expenditures? [X] See Below

Does this bill authorize new positions to implement this bill? [X] N/A



Under current law (RSA 195:15-a, V), the Department of Education is required to develop and maintain a 10-year school facilities plan of potential school building grant projects.  This bill requires the Department to comply with RSA 198:15-a, V, by contracting with an outside vendor to conduct a facility assessment of public schools and chartered public schools, and to create a ranked list of schools most in need of construction or renovation.  This bill also permits the Department to request funding from the education trust fund through the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee, in FY 2025 only, with the expectation that funding in FY 2026 and beyond would be considered as part of the state operating budget process.  The Department states the initial assessment could cost anywhere between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000, and an additional $250,000 to $500,000 in each year thereafter to update.



Department of Education



Date Amendment
Feb. 1, 2024 2024-0336h
March 28, 2024 2024-1037h


Date Body Type
Jan. 18, 2024 House Hearing
Jan. 30, 2024 House Exec Session
Jan. 31, 2024 House Exec Session
Jan. 30, 2024 House Floor Vote
March 26, 2024 House Exec Session
March 28, 2024 House Floor Vote
April 23, 2024 Senate Hearing
May 16, 2024 Senate Floor Vote
May 15, 2024 Senate Floor Vote
May 22, 2024 Senate Floor Vote

Bill Text Revisions

HB1570 Revision: 42145 Date: May 16, 2024, 2:21 p.m.
HB1570 Revision: 41623 Date: May 14, 2024, 9:49 a.m.
HB1570 Revision: 41440 Date: March 28, 2024, 11:34 a.m.
HB1570 Revision: 40774 Date: Feb. 23, 2024, 3:28 p.m.
HB1570 Revision: 40704 Date: Feb. 1, 2024, 9:52 a.m.
HB1570 Revision: 40381 Date: Jan. 16, 2024, 10:16 a.m.
HB1570 Revision: 44079 Date: Sept. 29, 2023, 8:25 a.m.


May 23, 2024: Refer to Interim Study, MA, VV; 05/23/2024; SJ 15

May 23, 2024: Refer to Interim Study, MA, VV; 05/23/2024; SJ 15

May 22, 2024: Special Order to 05/23/2024, Without Objection, MA; 05/22/2024 SJ 14

May 21, 2024: Committee Report: Referred to Interim Study, 05/22/2024, Vote 7-0; SC 20A

May 16, 2024: Ought to Pass: MA, VV; Refer to Finance Rule 4-5; 05/16/2024; SJ 13

May 16, 2024: Special Order to 05/16/2024, Without Objection, MA; 05/15/2024 SJ 12

May 7, 2024: Committee Report: Ought to Pass, 05/16/2024, Vote 4-0; SC 19

April 18, 2024: Hearing: 04/23/2024, Room 101, LOB, 09:15 am; SC 16

April 16, 2024: Introduced 04/11/2024 and Referred to Education; SJ 10

April 11, 2024: Ought to Pass with Amendment 2024-1037h: MA VV 04/11/2024 HJ 11 P. 46

April 11, 2024: Amendment # 2024-1037h: AA VV 04/11/2024 HJ 11 P. 46

March 29, 2024: Committee Report: Ought to Pass with Amendment # 2024-1037h 03/28/2024 (Vote 25-0; RC) HC 14 P. 12

March 21, 2024: Executive Session: 03/26/2024 01:00 pm LOB 210-211

March 7, 2024: Division Work Session: 03/15/2024 01:00 pm LOB 209

Feb. 21, 2024: Division II Work Session: 03/05/2024 11:20 am LOB 209

Feb. 8, 2024: Referred to Finance 02/08/2024 HJ 4 P. 7

Feb. 8, 2024: Ought to Pass with Amendment 2024-0336h: MA VV 02/08/2024 HJ 4 P. 7

Feb. 8, 2024: Amendment # 2024-0336h: AA VV 02/08/2024 HJ 4 P. 7

Feb. 1, 2024: Committee Report: Ought to Pass with Amendment # 2024-0336h (NT) 01/30/2024 (Vote 20-0; CC)

Jan. 25, 2024: ==CONTINUED== Executive Session: 01/31/2024 10:00 am LOB 205-207

Jan. 25, 2024: ==RECESSED== Executive Session: 01/30/2024 10:00 am LOB 205-207

Jan. 5, 2024: Public Hearing: 01/18/2024 10:45 am LOB 205-207

Dec. 15, 2023: Introduced 01/03/2024 and referred to Education HJ 1