Revision: Feb. 12, 2024, 10:37 a.m.
Rep. Jack, Hills. 10
February 6, 2024
Amendment to HB 1631
Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the following:
AN ACT establishing the commission to study revenue alternatives to the road toll, road toll registration charges, and revenue alternatives to vehicle registration fees to fund highway and bridge improvements.
Amend the section heading as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:
21-J:49 Commission to Study Revenue Alternatives to the Road Toll and Vehicle Registration Fees.
Amend RSA 21-J:49, I as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:
I. There is established a commission to study revenue alternatives to the road toll, road toll registration charges, and revenue alternatives to vehicle registration fees, including electric vehicle registration fees, to fund improvements to the state’s highways and bridges and their resulting improvements to the environment.
Amend RSA 21-J:49, IV(a) as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:
(a) Study revenue alternatives to the road toll, road toll registration charges, and revenue alternatives to vehicle registration fees, including electric vehicle registration fees, and may study other emerging vehicle fuels and technologies, to fund improvements to the state’s highways and bridges, ensuring that all motor vehicles contribute proportionally to their impact on New Hampshire’s highway infrastructure, including vehicles registered out of state that may no longer be subject to the road toll.
This bill establishes a commission to study revenue alternatives to the road toll, road toll registration charges, and revenue alternatives to vehicle registration fees, including electric vehicle registration fees, to fund improvements to the state’s highways and bridges and their resulting improvements to the environment.
This bill is a request of the commission established in 2023, 87:1.