Amendment 2024-1991s to HB1633 (2024)

Relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor.

Revision: May 15, 2024, 5:05 p.m.

Sen. Bradley, Dist 3

May 15, 2024





Floor Amendment to HB 1633-FN-A


Amend RSA 318-F:10 as inserted by section 5 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


318-F:10 Data Collection Related to Cannabis Legalization and Regulation.

No later than 6 months after the effective date of this chapter and every 2 years thereafter, the department of safety, information and analysis center, drug monitoring initiative, shall produce and publish a report that includes non-identifiable personal/individual or baseline data and the most current data regarding health and welfare outcomes since cannabis became legal and regulated for adults’ use, including, but not limited to, high school graduation rates; youth and adult rates of alcohol, cannabis, and illegal drug use; rates of maladaptive use of cannabis; rates of alcohol abuse; opiate use and abuse rates; the number and type of youth and adult convictions for cannabis offenses; and the rates of individuals needing but not receiving cannabis use disorder treatment.


Amend RSA 318-F:17, I as inserted by section 5 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


I. A franchise fee on the monthly total gross revenue derived from the sale of cannabis and cannabis products, and therapeutic grade therapeutic products, excluding the sale of cannabis accessories by a cannabis retail store, shall be imposed on cannabis retail stores at the rate of 15 percent. The municipalities where the cannabis retail store is located shall receive one percent of the monthly total gross revenue derived from the sale of cannabis.


Amend RSA 318-F:21 as inserted by section 5 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


318-F:21 Cannabis Fund Established.

I.  There is established a non-lapsing fund to be known as the cannabis fund. The fund shall be kept distinct and separate from all other funds in the state treasury, and the moneys credited to the fund shall be held distinct and separate from all other funds over which the state treasurer has control. Moneys in the fund shall be deposited with any financial institution as defined in RSA 383-A:2-201(a)(27-a), with a branch in the state. Moneys credited to the fund shall include deposits into the fund by the commission pursuant to this chapter.

II.  For the biennium ending June 30, 2025, and every biennium thereafter, the commission shall include the cost of administration of this chapter in the commission’s efficiency expenditure request pursuant to RSA 9:4.

III.  For the biennium ending June 30, 2025, the sum of $8,000,000 is hereby appropriated to the liquor commission for the cost of administration of this chapter. Said sum shall be a charge against the liquor fund.

IV.  The sum of $100,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 is hereby appropriated to department of safety, information and analysis center, drug monitoring initiative for the purpose of collecting baseline data to be used in the reports required pursuant to RSA 318-F:10.  The governor is authorized to draw a warrant for said sum out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

V.  For the biennium ending June 30, 2025, the sum of $500,000 is hereby appropriated to the alcohol abuse prevention and treatment fund established by RSA 176-A.  This appropriation shall be in addition to any other monies allocated to the fund, and shall be distributed by the governor's commission on alcohol and drug abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery in the manner established in RSA 12-J and RSA 176-A:1.

VI.  Except funds transferred under paragraph III, not later than June 30, 2027, the commission shall reimburse the general fund utilizing moneys deposited into the cannabis fund from the franchise fee imposed pursuant to this chapter for any initial or start-up funds appropriated to the commission for the administration or operation of this chapter. Any remaining funds shall be dispersed each fiscal year as follows:

(a)  One percent of the total gross revenue derived from cannabis to municipalities where the cannabis retail store is located pursuant to RSA 318-F:17; and

(b)  Of the remaining funds:

(1)  Sixty-five percent shall be disbursed to the general fund.  The comptroller shall notify the commissioner of the department of revenue administration by the first day of September of the amount disbursed to the general fund;

(2)  Fifteen percent shall be allocated to the alcohol abuse prevention and treatment fund established by RSA 176-A.  This allocation shall be in addition to any other monies allocated to the fund, and shall be distributed by the governor's commission on alcohol and drug abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery in the manner established in RSA 12-J and RSA 176-A:1;

(3)  Ten percent shall be allocated to public safety agencies, including police, fire, and rescue agencies, for the hiring and training of additional drug recognition experts, for advanced roadside impaired driving enforcement training, for reimbursement of local police agencies for salaries of police officers during their attendance at the trainings listed in this subparagraph, and to assist in responding to drug overdose incidents; and

(4)  Ten percent shall be disbursed to the department of health and human services, division of behavioral health services, for child behavioral health services.


Amend the bill by deleting section 16 and renumbering the original sections 17 through 34 to read as 16 through 33, respectively.


Amend paragraph I as inserted by section 30 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


I.  The sum of $100,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 is hereby appropriated to the department of safety, information and analysis center, drug monitoring initiative, for the purpose of collecting baseline data to be used in the reports required pursuant to RSA 318-F:10.  The governor is authorized to draw a warrant for said sum out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.