Revision: June 5, 2024, 3:16 p.m.
June 5, 2024
Committee of Conference Report on HB 2024, relative to the state 10-year transportation improvement plan.
That the House recede from its position of nonconcurrence with the Senate amendment, and concur with the Senate amendment, and
That the Senate and House adopt the following new amendment to the bill as amended by the Senate, and pass the bill as so amended:
Amend the bill by inserting after section 10 the following and renumbering the original sections 11-27 to read as 12-28, respectively:
11 Reclassification; Continental Boulevard, Merrimack. Continental Boulevard in the town of Merrimack is reclassified as a class V highway.
Amend the bill by deleting sections 18-26 and renumbering the original sections 27-28 to read as 18-19, respectively.
Amend the bill by replacing section 19 with the following:
I. Section 11 shall take effect July 1, 2029.
II. Sections 15-17 shall take effect January 1, 2025.
III. Section 18 shall take effect 30 days after its passage.
IV. The remainder of this act shall take effect upon its passage.
The signatures below attest to the authenticity of this Report on HB 2024, relative to the state 10-year transportation improvement plan.
Conferees on the Part of the Senate Conferees on the Part of the House
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
Sen. Ricciardi, Dist. 9 Rep. McConkey, Carr. 8
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
Sen. Bradley, Dist. 3 Rep. Milz, Rock. 13
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
Sen. Watters, Dist. 4 Rep. Cloutier, Sull. 6
Rep. Eaton, Ches. 9
This bill:
I. Adopts the 2025-2034 10-year transportation plan.
II. Adds certain projects to the 2025-2034 10-year transportation improvement plan.
III. Removes certain projects from the 2025-2034 10-year transportation improvement plan.
IV. Increases funding for certain projects in the 2025-2034 10-year transportation.
V. Requires that all rail removed from a portion of the Conway Branch rail line be used to offset construction costs of the portion's rail bed.
VI. Reclassifies Continental Boulevard in the Town of Merrimack as a Class V highway beginning July 1, 2029.
VII. Adds a speed limit of 45 miles per hour on rural highways.
VIII. Makes a capital appropriation to the department of corrections toward the replacement of the New Hampshire state prison for men.