Revision: July 18, 2024, 11:50 a.m.
July 11, 2024
Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 2024
The Committee on Enrolled Bills to which was referred HB 2024
AN ACT relative to the state 10-year transportation improvement plan; relative to adding a speed limit of 45 miles per hour on rural highways; relative to disability pensions for public safety employees who are victims of violence; and making a capital appropriation to the department of corrections toward the replacement of the New Hampshire state prison for men.
Having considered the same, report the same with the following amendment, and the recommendation that the bill as amended ought to pass.
Explanation to Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 2024
This enrolled bill amendment updates the title of the bill to reflect its contents and makes technical corrections to the bill.
Enrolled Bill Amendment to HB 2024
Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the following:
AN ACT relative to the state 10-year transportation improvement plan; relative to adding a speed limit of 45 miles per hour on rural highways; and making a capital appropriation to the department of corrections toward the replacement of the New Hampshire state prison for men.
Amend RSA 265:60, II(e) as inserted by section 15 of the bill by replacing it with the following:
[(d)] (e) 55 miles per hour in other locations, except as provided in [(e)](f);
Amend RSA 265:60, VI as inserted by section 15 of the bill by replacing line 13 with the following:
21+ 400
The fines listed in this paragraph shall be plus penalty assessment.