HR35 (2024) Detail

Honoring NCSL on its 50th Anniversary


House Resolution No. 35

Celebrating 50 Years of NCSL


WHEREAS, the National Conference of State Legislatures was founded in 1975 as the result of the merger of three organizations that represented state legislatures who shared the belief that legislative service is one of democracy’s worthiest pursuits; and

WHEREAS, the National Conference of State Legislatures is a bipartisan organization whose mission is to advance the effectiveness, independence, and integrity of institutions; to foster interstate communication and cooperation; and to ensure states a strong, cohesive voice in the federal system; and

WHEREAS, the National Conference of State Legislatures not only serves all members of the legislature across the country, but offers professional development opportunities for all legislative staff as well; and

WHEREAS, New Hampshire has provided two Presidents of the National Conference of State Legislatures, members and staff have served on its executive committee and its several standing committees, staff have served as presidents, board members and chairs of the various staff associations under the umbrella of NCSL; and

WHEREAS, NCSL serves as a resource to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, expressing the importance of the First Branch of Government; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, the New Hampshire House of Representatives in Regular Session convened, recognizes, commends, and celebrates the National Conference of State Legislatures as they begin their fiftieth year; and be it further

RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resolution to be presented to NCSL be prepared by the Clerk of the House and duly transmitted to them.


Offered by the House of Representatives.



Action Dates

Bill Text Revisions

HR35 Revision: 41928 Date: May 8, 2024, 2:42 p.m.


May 9, 2024: Introduced and Adopted VV 05/09/2024 HJ 13