Amendment 2023-2358h to SB112 (2024)

Relative to pari-mutuel pools and historic horse racing.

Revision: Oct. 26, 2023, 1:08 p.m.

Rep. Doucette, Rock. 25

October 25, 2023





Amendment to SB 112-FN


Amend the bill by replacing all after the enacting clause with the following:


1  Pari-Mutuel Pools.  RSA 284:22 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:

284:22 Pari-Mutuel Pools.

A licensee under this chapter may sell pari-mutuel pools in accordance with this chapter and rules adopted by the lottery commission. Pari-mutuel pools shall be sold within the enclosure of the racetrack where a licensed race or race meet is held or as provided in RSA 284:22-a, and not elsewhere.

2  Pari-Mutuel Pools on Historic Horse Racing.  RSA 284:22-b, II is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:

II. In order to be eligible for a license to sell pari-mutuel pools on historic races, an applicant shall have been either:

(a)  A game operator employer licensed under RSA 287-D as of May 1, 2020, and still licensed as of June 8, 2021.  For licensees qualified under this subparagraph, the sale of pari-mutuel pools on historic horse races must take place within the enclosure of a facility at which the licensee holds its licensed gaming activities under RSA 287-D, and that such facility is located within the city or town in which the licensee held its license on May 1, 2020; or

(b) An entity that applied for a game operator employer license between January 1, 2023, and October 18, 2023, provided that the applicant is subsequently approved, and the applicant entity has the same ownership and officers as the time of their initial application.  For licensees that are qualified under this subparagraph, the sale of pari-mutuel pools on historic horse races must take place within the enclosure of a facility at which the applicant entity holds its licensed gaming activities under RSA 287-D, and that such facility is located within the city or town identified on the original application filed with the lottery commission within the timeframe identified under this subparagraph.

3  New Paragraph; Pari-Mutuel Pools on Historic Horse Races; Transfer or Sale of Licenses Prohibited.  Amend RSA 284:22-b by inserting after paragraph VII the following new paragraph:

VIII.  An application that is approved by the lottery commission, and a license that is granted shall not be permitted to be transferred or sold.

4  Rights of Licensee.  Amend RSA 284:39, I to read as follows:

I. Any licensee under this chapter may refuse admission to, or eject from, the grounds or the enclosure of the racetrack or facility where a licensed live race or race meet or is being held or where licensed simulcasting or historic horse racing is held, any person or persons whose presence or conduct, in the sole judgment of the licensee, is inconsistent with the orderly and proper conduct of the historic horse racing, live or simulcast race meet, or is detrimental to the sport of racing, whether or not such presence or offensive conduct is associated with gambling.

5  Facilities; Rental.  Amend RSA 287-D:19, II(a) to read as follows:

II.(a) If a charitable organization contracts for services from a game operator employer licensed under RSA 287-D:8, the game operator employer shall provide equipment and shall not charge the charitable organization for such equipment. No charitable organization shall receive less than 35 percent of the gross revenues from any games of chance minus any prizes paid [and rental charge under subparagraph (b)].

6  Repeal.  The following are repealed:

I.  RSA 284:3, relative to employee residency.

II.  RSA 284:32-a, relative to annual financial statements.

7  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.




This bill changes the redistribution of pari-mutuel wagers, changes license eligibility requirements, prohibits the sale or transfer of licenses, amends the rights of licensees, changes the calculation of the percentage paid to charitable organizations, eliminates employee state residency restrictions, and eliminates annual financial statement requirements.