Amendment 2023-1747h to SB263 (2024)

Extending the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program and reestablishing the commission to evaluate the effectiveness and future of the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program.

Revision: May 11, 2023, 1:37 p.m.

Rep. Hoell, Merr. 27

May 10, 2023





Floor Amendment to SB 263-FN


Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the following:


AN ACT relative to the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program and the commission to evaluate the effectiveness and future of the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program.


Amend the bill by inserting after section 7 the following and renumbering the effective date to be the last numbered section:


8  Granite Advantage Health Care Program; Registration with the Department of Employment Security.  Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 126-AA:2, III(a) to read as follows:

III.(a) Newly eligible adults who are unemployed shall be eligible to receive benefits under this paragraph if the commissioner finds that the individual has registered with the department of employment security and is actively participating in the unemployment program or is engaging in at least 100 hours per month based on an average of 25 hours per week in one or more work or other community engagement activities, including self-employment, as follows:

9  New Subparagraph; Registration with Department of Employment Security.  Amend RSA 126-AA:2, III by inserting after subparagraph (a) the following new subparagraph:

(a-1)  An individual required to register with the department of employment security under subparagraph (a) shall engage in weekly meetings with the department and complete all required training until they have obtained the 25 hour per week employment minimum.




This bill:


I.  Reestablishes and revises the membership and duties of the commission to evaluate the effectiveness and future of the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program.  The commission is repealed November 1, 2028.


II.  Permanently extends the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program by removing the prospective repeal of the program that was to take effect on December 31, 2023.


III.  Removes the transfer of funds from the alcohol abuse prevention and treatment fund to the granite advantage health care trust fund.


IV.  Requires unemployed individuals to register with the department of employment security as part of the granite advantage work requirement.