Amendment 2024-1520h to SB383 (2024)

Relative to local tax caps.

Revision: April 26, 2024, 10:25 a.m.

Rep. Pauer, Hills. 36

Rep. D. McGuire, Merr. 14

April 16, 2024




Amendment to SB 383-FN


Amend RSA 32:5-d, I as inserted by section 2 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


I.  In a school district that has adopted this section, the total amount raised and appropriated for the fiscal year, including the operating budget and all other warrant articles with a tax impact, as shown on the budget certified by the school board or the budget committee and posted with the warrant for the annual meeting pursuant to RSA 32:5, shall not exceed the current per pupil cost times the average daily membership in residence (ADMR) of the school district as of October 1 of the year immediately preceding the proposed budget year as reported to the department of education times (1+ IF), where IF is an amount for an annual increase for inflation.  The first year after the budget cap is adopted, the current per pupil cost shall be the adopted per pupil cost.  In subsequent years, the current per pupil cost shall be the previous year's current per pupil cost times (1+IFP), where IFP is the previous year's IF.