Amendment 2024-2314EBA to SB487 (2024)

Relative to the division of personnel in the department of administrative services.

Revision: June 21, 2024, 4:03 p.m.

June 17, 2024




Enrolled Bill Amendment to SB 487-FN


The Committee on Enrolled Bills to which was referred SB 487-FN



AN ACT relative to the division of personnel in the department of administrative services.



Having considered the same, report the same with the following amendment, and the recommendation that the bill as amended ought to pass.










Explanation to Enrolled Bill Amendment to SB 487-FN


This enrolled bill amendment makes technical and grammatical corrections to the bill.



Enrolled Bill Amendment to SB 487-FN



Amend RSA 273-D:1, I, as inserted by section 1 of the bill, by replacing line 3 with the following:


been employed as a labor relations or personnel professional for at least 5 years.  At least one member


Amend RSA 273-D:1, XI, as inserted by section 1 of the bill, by replacing line 1 with the following:


XI.  The current board previously appointed and approved under RSA 21-I:46 shall continue


Amend RSA 273-D:2, I(a), as inserted by section 1 of the bill, by replacing line 2 with the following:


employee who is disciplined or has other adverse action taken against him or her as the result of an