SB496 (2024) Compare Changes

The Bill Text indicates a new section is being inserted. This situation is not handled right now, and the new text is displayed in both the changed and unchanged versions.

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

1 New Section; Department of Health and Human Services; Climate and Health Protection Program. Amend RSA 126-A by inserting after section 87 the following new section:

126-A:87-a Climate and Health Protection Program. The department of health and human services shall establish a climate and health protection program to:

I. Collect and analyze data on current and emerging impacts on human health of the changing environment in order to inform policies and actions to protect the health of New Hampshire residents. Monitoring by the department shall include, but not be limited to, the health impacts of the following:

(a) High heat index days.

(b) Illnesses related to ticks, mosquitos, and other climate sensitive vectors.

(c) Episodes of torrential rainfall and resultant flooding.

(d) Rising sea levels and resultant flooding and erosion.

(e) Intense storms causing direct trauma, power outages, and health care services disruption.

(f) Air quality concerns, including related to wildfires.

(g) Longer and more intense pollen seasons.

II. Plan and implement strategies to prevent and respond to current and emerging health threats associated with a changing environment. Such plans and strategies shall prioritize, but not be limited to, preventing and responding to the issues identified in paragraph I.

III. Develop and make available to New Hampshire residents education, information, and resources to help them protect themselves from current and emerging threats to health, to include but not be limited to protection from the issues identified in paragraph I.

IV. Assure that New Hampshire residents are alerted to impending environmental crises that could impact their health, such as from poor air quality, flooding, or storms.

V. Align these efforts with the efforts of the state health improvement plan advisory council, established in RSA 126-A:88, as well as other state agencies and organizations working on adaptation to environmental health threats in order to create a well-coordinated prevention and response system and to avoid redundancy.

VI. Advise legislators and executive officers on policies and actions to protect and respond to the health threats to New Hampshire residents due to a changing environment and include such findings and recommendations as part of the annual report submitted pursuant to RSA 126-A:88, VI.

VII. Implementation of the climate and health protection program shall be contingent on the availability of sufficient funding from non-state sources. No general funds shall be appropriated to the department for administration of the program. The department shall seek and apply for any appropriate grants and federal funds available to administer the program. The department may seek and accept donations or other monies that are not general funds.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

1 New Section; Department of Health and Human Services; Climate and Health Protection Program. Amend RSA 126-A by inserting after section 87 the following new section:

126-A:87-a Climate and Health Protection Program. The department of health and human services shall establish a climate and health protection program to:

I. Collect and analyze data on current and emerging impacts on human health of the changing environment in order to inform policies and actions to protect the health of New Hampshire residents. Monitoring by the department shall include, but not be limited to, the health impacts of the following:

(a) High heat index days.

(b) Illnesses related to ticks, mosquitos, and other climate sensitive vectors.

(c) Episodes of torrential rainfall and resultant flooding.

(d) Rising sea levels and resultant flooding and erosion.

(e) Intense storms causing direct trauma, power outages, and health care services disruption.

(f) Air quality concerns, including related to wildfires.

(g) Longer and more intense pollen seasons.

II. Plan and implement strategies to prevent and respond to current and emerging health threats associated with a changing environment. Such plans and strategies shall prioritize, but not be limited to, preventing and responding to the issues identified in paragraph I.

III. Develop and make available to New Hampshire residents education, information, and resources to help them protect themselves from current and emerging threats to health, to include but not be limited to protection from the issues identified in paragraph I.

IV. Assure that New Hampshire residents are alerted to impending environmental crises that could impact their health, such as from poor air quality, flooding, or storms.

V. Align these efforts with the efforts of the state health improvement plan advisory council, established in RSA 126-A:88, as well as other state agencies and organizations working on adaptation to environmental health threats in order to create a well-coordinated prevention and response system and to avoid redundancy.

VI. Advise legislators and executive officers on policies and actions to protect and respond to the health threats to New Hampshire residents due to a changing environment and include such findings and recommendations as part of the annual report submitted pursuant to RSA 126-A:88, VI.

VII. Implementation of the climate and health protection program shall be contingent on the availability of sufficient funding from non-state sources. No general funds shall be appropriated to the department for administration of the program. The department shall seek and apply for any appropriate grants and federal funds available to administer the program. The department may seek and accept donations or other monies that are not general funds.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.