Amendment 2024-2271CofC to SB499 (2024)

(Second New Title) relative to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the Summer EBT program and making appropriations therefor and relative to providing disaster relief funding to municipalities after a natural disaster.

Revision: June 5, 2024, 4:57 p.m.

June 5, 2024






Committee of Conference Report on SB 499-FN, relative to reduction of hunger for children, older adults, and people with disabilities.



That the Senate recede from its position of nonconcurrence with the House amendment, and concur with the House amendment, and

That the Senate and House adopt the following new amendment to the bill as amended by the House, and pass the bill as so amended:


Amend the bill by replacing section 5 with the following:


5  New Section; Homeland Security and Emergency Management; Municipal Road and Bridge Disaster Relief Funding.  Amend RSA 21-P by inserting after section 37-d the following new section:

21-P:37-e  Disaster Relief Procedures.

A municipality may request infrastructural disaster relief more than once in a calendar year, but shall not receive more than $25,000 in grant money in a calendar year.  Requests shall be filed with the joint legislative fiscal committee within 45 days after the governor's declaration.  Moneys shall be distributed from the New Hampshire disaster relief fund established in RSA 21-P:46-a.  The joint legislative fiscal committee may decide to appropriate a lesser amount to the request based on available funding.

The signatures below attest to the authenticity of this Report on SB 499-FN, relative to reduction of hunger for children, older adults, and people with disabilities.


Conferees on the Part of the Senate Conferees on the Part of the House



_________________________________________ _______________________________________

Sen. Birdsell, Dist. 19 Rep. Erf, Hills. 28



_________________________________________ _______________________________________

Sen. Bradley, Dist. 3 Rep. Edwards, Rock. 31



_________________________________________ _______________________________________

Sen. Whitley, Dist. 15 Rep. Wallner, Merr. 19




Rep. Telerski, Hills. 11