Amendment 2024-2078h to SB505 (2024)

Relative to the prohibition on the sale of hemp products containing certain levels of THC.

Revision: May 21, 2024, 11:18 a.m.

Rep. McLean, Hills. 15

Rep. Layon, Rock. 13

May 21, 2024





Floor Amendment to SB 505


Amend the bill by replacing all after the enacting clause with the following:


1  Prospective Repeal; Prohibition on Hemp-Derived Products.  Amend RSA 2023, 237:8, III to read as follows:

III.  Section 7 of this act shall take effect [one year from the effective date of section 6 of this act] October 7, 2027.

2  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.




This bill extends the effective date of the prospective repeal of the prohibition on the sale of hemp products containing certain levels of THC.