Amendment 2024-1453h to SB513 (2024)

Relative to permitting charity auctions by non-profit corporations.

Revision: April 10, 2024, 9:19 a.m.

Rep. Spilsbury, Sull. 3

Rep. Ames, Ches. 13

April 9, 2024





Amendment to SB 513


Amend the bill by replacing section 1 with the following:


1  New Paragraph; Charity Auctions By Non-Profit Corporations.  Amend RSA 311-B:13 by inserting after paragraph II the following new paragraph:

II-a.  Non-member individuals hired by a charitable, educational, religious, or other nonprofit organization within the state may engage in auctioneering services for charity auctions without a license for that organization.  A contract for auctioneering services shall be in writing.  No individual’s contract shall involve the care, custody, or control of any of the auction's revenues.  The repository for the auction's revenues shall be identified in the contract.  The contract shall state the auctioneer's duties and compensation, if any, whether monetary or otherwise.  The auctioneer shall not receive any commission from sales or a percentage of the revenues as compensation.