Amendment 2024-0799s to SB521 (2024)

Relative to the educational credentials for master teacher.

Revision: Feb. 20, 2024, 4:23 p.m.

Senate Finance

February 20, 2024





Amendment to SB 521-FN


Amend the bill by inserting after section 1 the following and renumbering the original section 2 to read as 3:


2  Department of Education; Rulemaking.  Amend RSA 21-N:9, II(s)(4) to read as follows:

(4) The establishment of educator certification fees for granting licenses to educational personnel, including teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, educational specialists, instructional specialists, school bus drivers and transportation monitors, and master teachers as authorized by RSA 186:8 and RSA 186:11, X, provided that fees for granting of licenses to master teachers shall be no more than $100 for initial licensure and no more than $25 for annual renewal thereafter, professional licenses including beginning educator licenses, experienced educator licenses, and intern authorizations, and other classifications of educators, administrators, specialists, and paraprofessionals necessary to address educational needs as determined by the state board upon the recommendation of the professional standards board pursuant to RSA 186:60.