Amendment 2024-0672s to SB530 (2024)

Relative to reports of receipts and expenditures filed by political committees of candidates and candidates.

Revision: Feb. 13, 2024, 3:51 p.m.

Election Law and Municipal Affairs

February 13, 2024





Amendment to SB 530


Amend the bill by replacing all after the enacting clause with the following:


1  Political Expenditures and Contributions; Reports of Receipts and Expenditures.  RSA 664:9-a and RSA 664:9-b are repealed and reenacted to read as follows:

664:9-a  Reports of Receipts and Expenditures Filed Electronically.  A political committee of a candidate or a candidate may file such candidate's report of receipts and expenditures, pursuant to RSA 664:6, RSA 664:7, and RSA 664:7-b, electronically online by using the New Hampshire Campaign Finance System, which may also be used to register, file reports, and search information filed by candidates, political committees, and candidate committees.

664:9-b  Reports of Receipts and Expenditures Filed by Other Methods.  A political committee of a candidate or a candidate may file such candidate's required reports as an email attachment or a paper copy, provided that:

I.  The font size of the document as printed is not less than an 8 point font.

II.  Email attachments are to be in portable document format archive (PDFA) or other acceptable format as determined by the secretary of state.

III.  The report is mailed, delivered, or sent to the secretary of state on or before the date and time that the report is due.

2  New Section; Reports; Legibility Required.  Amend RSA 664 by inserting after section 9-b the following new section:

664:9-c  Reports; Legibility Required.  A political committee of a candidate or a candidate who files a report pursuant to RSA 664:9-b shall be responsible for ensuring the report is legible.  The political committee of a candidate or a candidate shall file an amended copy of such candidate's report within one week after being notified by the secretary of state or attorney general's office that such report is non-compliant.  Non-compliant reports shall not be accepted by the secretary of state as filed and shall not be published to the online campaign finance system, pursuant to 664:11, until a legible amendment is received.

3  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.