Amendment 2024-1235s to SB547 (2024)

Relative to certain requirements relative to the LCHIP programs.

Revision: March 20, 2024, 2:33 p.m.

Energy and Natural Resources

March 19, 2024





Amendment to SB 547


Amend RSA 227-M:2, IV as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


IV. "Easement interests" means conservation, historic preservation, [or] scenic and other types of easements, development rights, or any other similar protective interest in real property that is held in perpetuity, or [a term easement] that is held for a specific period of time and not in perpetuity as part of a historic preservation project or a farm viability program. All easement interests shall be consistent with RSA 477:45.