Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 Department of Transportation; General Functions; Prohibition on Commuter Rail Projects. Amend RSA 21-L:2, II(a) to read as follows:
(a) Planning, developing, and maintaining a state transportation network which will provide for safe and convenient movement of people and goods throughout the state by means of a system of highways, railroads, air service, mass transit, and other practicable modes of transportation, in order to support state growth and economic development and promote the general welfare of the citizens of the state .
2 Use of Toll Credits. Amend RSA 228:12-a to read as follows:
228:12-a Use of Toll Credits. The department may use toll credits as a match for federal highway funds solely for the funding of highway and road projects, projects concerning the travel of motor vehicles on such highways and roads, and the completion of the project development phase of the project named Nashua-Manchester-Concord, project number 40818, in the 2019-2028 Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan. Any other use of toll credits shall require approval of the joint legislative capital budget overview committee, established in RSA 17-J:1, prior to moving the project forward for approval in the state 10-year transportation improvement program.
3 Notification. Upon passage of this act, the house clerk shall notify the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation and the United States Office of Management and Budget of the change in the law.
4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Department of Transportation; General Functions; Prohibition on Commuter Rail Projects. Amend RSA 21-L:2, II(a) to read as follows:
(a) Planning, developing, and maintaining a state transportation network which will provide for safe and convenient movement of people and goods throughout the state by means of a system of highways, railroads, air service, mass transit, and other practicable modes of transportation, in order to support state growth and economic development and promote the general welfare of the citizens of the state ; provided, however, that no state funds shall be appropriated or expended for the planning, construction, operation, or management of passenger rail projects, including the project named Nashua-Manchester-Concord, project number 40818, in the 2019-2028 Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan .
2 Use of Toll Credits. Amend RSA 228:12-a to read as follows:
228:12-a Use of Toll Credits. The department may use toll credits as a match for federal highway funds solely for the funding of highway and road projects, projects concerning the travel of motor vehicles on such highways and roads. Any other use of toll credits shall require approval of the joint legislative capital budget overview committee, established in RSA 17-J:1, prior to moving the project forward for approval in the state 10-year transportation improvement program.
3 Notification. Upon passage of this act, the house clerk shall notify the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation and the United States Office of Management and Budget of the change in the law.
4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.