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1 Words and Phrases Defined; Local Legislative Body. Amend RSA 672:8 to read as follows:
672:8 Local Legislative Body.
I. "Local legislative body" means one of the following basic forms of government utilized by a municipality:
*(a)Council, whether city or town;
*(c)Mayor-board of aldermen;
*(d)Village district or precinct;
*(e)Town meeting; or
*(f)County convention.
II. In non-charter towns, village districts, and counties in which there are located unincorporated places that have adopted the authority provided in RSA 674:18-a for the approval of amendments to zoning ordinances or bylaws and the local zoning map, the term "local legislative body" shall mean local governing body as defined in RSA 672:6 solely for the purpose of adopting amendments to a zoning ordinance or local zoning map.
2 Repeal. RSA 674:18-a, relative to alternative procedure for adoption of zoning ordinances, is repealed.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Words and Phrases Defined; Local Legislative Body. Amend RSA 672:8 to read as follows:
672:8 Local Legislative Body.
****"Local legislative body" means one of the following basic forms of government utilized by a municipality:
(b)* II. Mayor-council;
(d)* IV. Village district or precinct;
(f)* VI. County convention.
2 Repeal. RSA 674:18-a, relative to alternative procedure for adoption of zoning ordinances, is repealed.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.