HB229 (2025) Compare Changes

The Bill Text indicates a repeal. This means the text being replaced is not available in the bill, and the unchanged text displayed is incomplete. The original text can be viewed by following the link to the RSA. Also, an accompanying re-enactment is not handled currently, and displayed in both unchanged and changed versions.

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

1 Words and Phrases Defined; Local Legislative Body. Amend RSA 672:8 to read as follows:

672:8 Local Legislative Body.

I. "Local legislative body" means one of the following basic forms of government utilized by a municipality:

*(a)Council, whether city or town;


*(c)Mayor-board of aldermen;

*(d)Village district or precinct;

*(e)Town meeting; or

*(f)County convention.

II. In non-charter towns, village districts, and counties in which there are located unincorporated places that have adopted the authority provided in RSA 674:18-a for the approval of amendments to zoning ordinances or bylaws and the local zoning map, the term "local legislative body" shall mean local governing body as defined in RSA 672:6 solely for the purpose of adopting amendments to a zoning ordinance or local zoning map.

2 Repeal. RSA 674:18-a, relative to alternative procedure for adoption of zoning ordinances, is repealed.

3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

1 Words and Phrases Defined; Local Legislative Body. Amend RSA 672:8 to read as follows:

672:8 Local Legislative Body.

****"Local legislative body" means one of the following basic forms of government utilized by a municipality:

(b)* II. Mayor-council;

(d)* IV. Village district or precinct;

(f)* VI. County convention.

2 Repeal. RSA 674:18-a, relative to alternative procedure for adoption of zoning ordinances, is repealed.

3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.