Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 Capital Appropriations. The sums hereinafter detailed are hereby appropriated for the projects specified to the departments, agencies, and branches named:
I. Department of Administrative Services
1. Statewide Emergency Fund 1,500,000
2. State House Annex Renovation - Phase 2 12,250,000
3. Sprinkler Replacement 550,000
4. Main Building Elevator Replacement 1,100,000
Total state appropriation paragraph I $15,400,000
II. Community College System of New Hampshire
1. Great Bay Community College: Workforce Capacity Building in Welding 700,000
Total state appropriation paragraph II $700,000
III. Department of Corrections
1. NHSP/M - Electronic Controls and Camera Installations 2,000,000
2. NHSP/M - Replace HVAC Units Using R-22 Refrigerant 7,700,000
3. NHSP/M - Boiler, Surge and Deaerator Tank Replacements 2,300,000
Total state appropriation paragraph III $12,000,000
IV. Department of Education
1. Jaffrey-Rindge CTE Renovation 18,518,000
Total state appropriation paragraph IV $18,518,000
V. Department of Environmental Services
1. Dam Repairs and Reconstruction 10,810,000
2. Drinking Water State Revolving Fund State Match 8,846,360
3. Superfund State Match 829,217
4. Clean Water State Revolving Fund State Match 9,467,496
5. Winnipesaukee River Basin Program Infrastructure Upgrades 19,700,000
Less Other Funds (Revolving Loan Fund)* (19,700,000)
Net State 0
Total state appropriation paragraph V $29,953,073
*To provide funds for the appropriations made in paragraph V, the state treasurer is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state not exceeding the sum of $19,700,000 and for said purpose may issue bonds and notes in the name of and on behalf of the state of New Hampshire in accordance with RSA 6-A. Payments of principal and interest on the bonds and notes shall be made from the Winnipesaukee river basin control replacement fund established in RSA 485-A:51.
VI. Fish and Game Department
1. Hatchery Predator Control 2,200,000
Less Other Funds (Fish and Game Fund)* (2,200,000)
Net State 0
2. Replace 50-Foot 25-Ton Trailer 65,000
Less Other Funds (Fish and Game Fund)* (65,000)
Net State 0
3. Inland Fisheries Equipment 114,000
Less Other Funds (Fish and Game Fund)* (114,000)
Net State 0
Total state appropriation paragraph VI 0
*To provide funds for the appropriations made in paragraph VI, the state treasurer is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state not exceeding the sum of $2,379,000 and for said purpose may issue bonds and notes in the name of and on behalf of the state of New Hampshire in accordance with RSA 6-A. Payments of principal and interest on the bonds and notes shall be made from the fish and game fund established in RSA 206:33.
VII. Department of Health and Human Services
1. Medicaid Enterprise Modular Strategy 33,750,000
Less Federal Funds (30,375,000)
Net State 3,375,000
2. Modernize Eligibility Services 1,875,878
Less Federal Funds (1,219,321)
Net State 656,557
Total state appropriation paragraph VII $4,031,557
VIII. Department of Information Technology
1. Cloud Solutions and Services 2,150,000
Total state appropriation paragraph VIII $2,150,000
IX. Judicial Branch
1. Digitization of Court Records Project Expansion 157,950
Total state appropriation paragraph IX $157,950
X. Department of Justice
1. Replacement of Case Management System 2,231,696
Total state appropriation paragraph IX $2,231,696
XI. Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services
1. Milford Readiness Center Addition and Renovation 4,000,000
Less Federal Funds (3,000,000)
Net State 1,000,000
2. Manchester Land Replacement 5,000,000
3. Statewide Readiness Center Roof Replacement 5,100,000
Less Federal Funds (2,550,000)
Total state appropriation paragraph X $8,550,000
XII. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
1. Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway 20,000,000
2. Umbagog Lake State Park Marina and Facilities 950,000
Less Federal Funds (475,000)
Net State 475,000
3. Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Road Repairs 1,400,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XII $21,875,000
XIII. Police Standards and Training Council
1. Main Entrance Security Improvements 480,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XIII $480,000
XIV. Department of Safety
1. Software - Automated Fuel Tax System 2,862,000
2. Gun Range Training Facility 2,300,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XIV $5,162,000
XV. University System of New Hampshire
1. Plymouth State University: Hyde Hall Renovations 4,000,000
2. University of New Hampshire: Morse Hall Improvements 12,000,000
3. Keene State College: Elliot Center Renovations 4,000,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XV $20,000,000
XVI. Veterans Home
1. Replace Three (3) Air Handlers 1,300,000
2. Diesel Tank Replacement 60,000
3. Replace Seven (7) Tubs and One (1) Bariatric Stretcher Shower Trolley 140,000
4. Replace Fifty (50) Veteran Resident Beds 155,000
5. Twenty (20) Medical Lifts and Installation 180,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XVI $1,835,000
XVII. Department of Transportation
1. Matching Funds for Transit Vehicles 390,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XVII $390,000
Total state appropriation section 1 $143,434,276
2 Appropriation; Highway Funds; Department of Transportation. The sums hereinafter detailed are appropriated for the projects specified:
I. Department of Transportation
1. Statewide - Salt and Sand Shed Replacements 4,650,000
Total state appropriation paragraph I 4,650,000
Total state appropriation section 2 4,650,000
3 Expenditures; General. The appropriations made for the purposes mentioned in sections 1 and 2 of this act, with the exception of appropriations in paragraphs II and XV of section 1, and the sums available for those projects shall be expended by the trustees, commissions, commissioner, or department head of the institutions and departments referred to herein; provided that all contracts and projects and plans and specifications therefor shall be awarded in accordance with the provisions of RSA 21-I and RSA 228.
4 Expenditures; Community College System of New Hampshire.
I. The appropriations made for the community college system in paragraph II of section 1 and the sums available for this project shall be expended by the trustees of the community college system of New Hampshire.
II. The appropriations made to the community college system in paragraph II of section 1 are available for all costs incidental to the completion of the project enumerated including but not limited to the costs of the services for architects, engineers, and other consultants of such kind and capacity as the community college system board of trustees may, in its discretion, wish to employ on such terms and conditions as the board determines. These monies shall be spent under the direction of the community college system board of trustees and pursuant to the policies adopted by the board of trustees.
III. Any authorization contained in this act which is at variance with the requirements of applicable federal law and regulations shall be controlled by the terms of federal law and regulations.
5 Expenditures; University System of New Hampshire.
I. The appropriations made for the university system in paragraph XV of section 1 and the sums available for these projects shall be expended by the trustees of the university system of New Hampshire.
II. The appropriations made to the university system in paragraph XV of section 1 are available for all costs incidental to the completion of the projects enumerated including but not limited to the costs of the services for architects, engineers, and other consultants of such kind and capacity as the university system board of trustees may, in its discretion, wish to employ on such terms and conditions as the board determines. These monies shall be spent under the direction of the university system board of trustees and pursuant to the policies adopted by the board of trustees.
III. Any authorization contained in this act which is at variance with the requirements of applicable federal law and regulations shall be controlled by the terms of federal law and regulations.
6 Land Acquisition. Any land acquired under the appropriations made in sections 1 and 2 of this act, if any, as may be acquired under the appropriation shall be purchased by the commissioner of the department of administrative services or the department of transportation with the approval of governor and council.
7 Bonds Authorized.
I. To provide funds for the total of the appropriations of state funds made in sections 1 and 2 of this act, the state treasurer is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state not exceeding the sum of $170,163,276 and for said purposes may issue bonds and notes in the names and on behalf of the state of New Hampshire in accordance with the provisions of RSA 6-A. The source of funds are as follows: General Fund $143,434,276, Highway Funds $4,650,000, and Other Funds $22,079,000.
8 Payments.
I. The payment of principal and interest on bonds and notes issued for the projects in section 1 shall be made when due from the general fund of the state.
II. The payment of principal and interest on bonds issued for the projects in:
(a) The highway fund portion of the appropriations made in section 2 shall be made from the highway fund and the general fund portion from the general fund.
(b) The fish and game fund portion of the appropriations made in paragraph VI of section 1 shall be made from the fish and game fund.
9 Powers of Governor and Council. The governor and council are hereby authorized and empowered:
I. To cooperate with and enter into such agreements with the federal government, or any agency thereof, as they may deem advisable, to secure federal funds for the purposes hereof.
II. To accept any federal funds which are, or become available for any project under sections 1 and 2 beyond the estimated amounts. The net appropriation of state funds for any project for which such additional federal funds are accepted shall be reduced by the amount of such additional funds, and the amount of bonding authorized by section 7 shall be reduced by the same amount.
10 Transfers. The individual project appropriations provided in sections 1 and 2 of this act shall not be transferred or expended for any other purposes; provided that if there is a balance remaining after an individual project, which is fully funded by state funds, is completed, accepted, and final payment made, said balance or any part thereof may be transferred by governor and council, to any other individual project or projects, which are also fully funded by state funds, within the same section and from the same funding source, provided that prior approval or the capital project overview committee is obtained.
11 Reduction of Appropriation and Bonding Authority. If the net appropriation of state funds for any project provided for by sections 1 and 2 is determined on the basis of an estimate of anticipated federal, local, or other funds, and if the amount of such funds actually received or available is less than said estimate, then the total authorized cost for such projects and the net appropriation of state funds thereof shall be reduced by the same proportion as the proportion by which federal, local, or other funds are reduced. The amount of bonding authorized by section 7 shall be reduced by the amount that the appropriation of state funds is reduced pursuant to this section.
12 Division of Public Works Design and Construction Inspection Services; Davis-Bacon Act Compliance. The appropriations for those projects which are managed by the division of public works design and construction, Department of Administrative Services, may be expended to fund temporary personnel for the purpose of providing construction inspection services and Davis-Bacon Act Compliance services for projects utilizing federal funds, for those projects included in this act.
13 Lapse Dates Extended to June 30, 2027. The following appropriations are hereby extended to June 30, 2027:
1. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, A, 1 for Courthouse Generators.
2. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, A, 2 for Rochester Courthouse.
3. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 1 for Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Mechanical Replacements and Repairs.
4. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 2 for Thayer Building Heating Zone Expansion.
5. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 3 for Two Chillers for 29 Hazen Dr.
6. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 4 for Parking Lot Repairs and Paving - Statewide.
7. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 5 for Acquire Building at 25 Hall Street.
8. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, C, 1 for Statewide Emergency Fund.
9. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, A, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 2 for Lebanon Circuit Courthouse - Remove and Replace Underground Fuel Storage Tank.
10. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, A, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 3 for Portsmouth and Dover Circuit Court Boilers.
11. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, A, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 4 for Statewide Courthouse Roof Replacements.
12. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, B, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 5 for Life Safety Upgrades.
13. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, B, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 6 for Main Building Rewiring Phase 1.
14. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, B, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 8 for Thayer Building - Replace Roof.
15. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, B, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 9 for Tunnel System: Repair and Abandonment Plan.
16. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, C, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 10 for NH First Migration To Information Cloud Environment.
17. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 11 for HHS Roof Replacement.
18. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 12 for HHS/DES Mechanical Replacements and Controls.
19. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 13 for Morton, Johnson, HHS Underground Tank Removal.
20. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 14 for Safety Mechanical Replacements and Repairs.
21. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 15 for Coos County New Parking Lot and Concrete Plaza Entrance.
22. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 16 for Hillsborough County Courthouse North Cooling Tower.
23. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 17 for Annex 1 - Bancroft ADA Connector.
24. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 8, extended by 2023, 113:24, 18 for Discovery Center Mechanical Replacement and Controls.
25. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 9, extended by 2023, 113:24, 19 for Hillsborough County South Walkway Repairs.
26. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 10, extended by 2023, 113:24, 20 for Dolloff Building Elevator Replacement.
27. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 11, extended by 2023, 113:24, 21 for Phase II - Statehouse Annex Renovation.
28. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 12, extended by 2023, 113:24, 22 for New Fire Panels-Installation at 11 Locations.
29. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 13, extended by 2023, 113:24, 23 for Main Building Stair Tower Roofs and Repointing.
30. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 14, extended by 2023, 113:24, 24 for Rochester Circuit Court Replacement Engineering.
31. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, E, extended by 2023, 113:24, 25 for Statewide Emergency Fund.
32. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, F, extended by 2023, 113:24, 26 for Statewide Energy Efficiency Improvements Projects.
33. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 27 for Statewide Projects, Statewide Emergency Funding.
34. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 3, extended by 2021, 107:16, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 29 for Storrs Street Parking Garage Repairs.
35. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 4, extended by 2021, 107:16, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 30 for State House Annex Renovations.
36. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 5, extended by 2021, 107:16, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 31 for State House Annex Elevator Upgrades.
37. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 6, extended by 2021, 107:16, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 32 for Roof Replacements and Exterior Repairs.
38. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 8, extended by 2021, 107:16, 9, extended by 2023, 113:24, 33 for HHS and DES Mechanical Replacements.
39. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, C, 1, extended by 2021, 107:16, 10, extended by 2023, 113:24, 34 for Concord Steam - Raze Structurally Deficient Building.
40. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, C, 2, extended by 2021, 107:16, 11, extended by 2023, 113:24, 35 for Emergency Back-Up Generator Power To New Boilers.
41. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, C, 3, extended by 2021, 107:16, 12, extended by 2023, 113:24, 36 for Annex 1 - Life Safety/ADA Improvements.
42. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, C, 4, extended by 2021, 107:16, 13, extended by 2023, 113:24, 37 for Thayer Building - Relocate and Upgrade Electrical Service.
43. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, D, 1, extended by 2021, 107:16, 15, extended by 2023, 113:24, 38 for Rockingham County and Hillsborough County South Courthouses - New Chiller, Variable Frequency Drives and Controls.
44. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, D, 3, extended by 2021, 107:16, 17, extended by 2023, 113:24, 39 for Coos County Courthouse - New Boilers.
45. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, D, 5, extended by 2021, 107:16, 19, extended by 2023, 113:24, 40 for Generators - Conway, Coos, Jaffrey, Lebanon, Plymouth.
46. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, D, 6, extended by 2021, 107:16, 20, extended by 2023, 113:24, 41 for Hillsborough County South - Cellblock Renovation.
47. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, E, extended by 2021, 107:16, 21, extended by 2023, 113:24, 42 for Financial Data Management, ERP Sustainability and Advancement.
48. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, A, 1, extended by 2019, 146:20, 11, extended by 2021, 107:16, 23, extended by 2023, 113:24, 43 for Statewide Emergency Funding.
49. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, B, 3, extended by 2019, 146:20, 15, extended by 2021, 107:16, 25, extended by 2023, 113:24, 44 for Spaulding - Roof Replacement.
50. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, B, 4, extended by 2019, 146:20, 16, extended by 2021, 107:16, 26, extended by 2023, 113:24, 45 for State Owned Buildings - Security Upgrades.
51. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, C, 1, extended by 2019, 146:20, 22, extended by 2021, 107:16, 30, extended by 2023, 113:24, 46 for Main Bldg Lodge Roof Replacement/brick/trim repairs.
52. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, C, 3, extended by 2019, 146:20, 24, extended by 2021, 107:16, 32, as amended by 2023, 113:15, extended by 2023, 113:24, 47 for Main Bldg, North Pavilion Wing Roof Replacement.
53. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, D, 3, extended by 2019, 146:20, 26, extended by 2021, 107:16, 33, extended by 2023, 113:24, 48 for Milford Circuit Court - New Courthouse.
54. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2015, 220:1, II, B, 8, extended by 2017, 228:22, 21, extended by 2019, 146:20, 35, extended by 2021, 107:16, 38, extended by 2023, 113:24, 49 for state house and Upham Walker house repairs.
55. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2011, 253:1, II, C, 1 extended by 2013, 195:47, 13 extended by 2015, 220:23, 18, extended by 2017, 228:22, 29, extended by 2019, 146:20, 37, extended by 2021, 107:16, 39, extended by 2023, 113:24, 50 for critical IT infrastructure.
56. The appropriation made to the Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food in 2021, 107:1, II, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 51 for Repairs to NH Building At Eastern States Exposition.
57. The appropriation made to the Community College System of New Hampshire in 2023, 113:1, XVI, 1 for Critical Maintenance.
58. The appropriation made to the Community College System of New Hampshire in 2023, 113:1, XVI, 3 for NCC Respiratory Therapy Program Teaching Equipment and Teaching Space Renovations.
59. The appropriation made to the Community College System of New Hampshire in 2021, 107:1, XIII, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 52 for Critical Maintenance.
60. The appropriation made to the Community College System of New Hampshire in 2019, 146:1, III, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 41, extended by 2023, 113:24, 53 for Critical Maintenance and Safety, Master Plans.
61. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2023, 113:1, II, 1 for Replace Sewer Lines and Grinder.
62. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2023, 113:1, II, 2 for Radio System Upgrade.
63. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 56 for NHSP/M Roof Replacement.
64. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 58 for Construction of Training Center for Bldg. Trades NHCF/W.
65. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 59 for Boiler Replacements.
66. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 60 for Door Controller Upgrade.
67. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 62 for Perimeter Security and Fence Detection Systems.
68. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 8, extended by 2023, 113:24, 63 for Rebuild Sewer Line and Grinder.
69. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 10, extended by 2023, 113:24, 65 for Roof Replacement - Hancock and Industries Buildings.
70. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 11, extended by 2023, 113:24, 66 for NH State Prison/M Door Replacement.
71. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:14, III, extended by 2023, 113:24, 67 for NHSPM Door and Ceiling Replace/Repair - Close Custody Unit.
72. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2019, 146:1, IV, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 45, extended by 2023, 113:24, 69 for Kitchen Renovation.
73. The appropriation made to the Department of Education in 2021, 107:1, IV, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 75 for Bathrooms-All Floors, Renovation and ADA Modifications.
74. The appropriation made to the Department of Energy in 2023, 113:1, IV, 1 for Fuel Assistance Program (FAP)/Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Database and Program Management.
75. The appropriation made to the Department of Energy in 2017, 228:1, VII, A, extended by 2019, 146:20, 59, extended by 2021, 107:16, 57, extended by 2023, 113:24, 76 for Fuel Assistance Program/Weatherization Assistance Program.
76. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 1 for Dam Repairs and Reconstruction.
77. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 2 for IT Infrastructure.
78. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 3 for Drinking Water SRF State Match.
79. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 4 for Clean Water SRF State Match .
80. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 5 for Ground Water Monitoring.
81. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 6 for Winnipesaukee River Basin Upgrade.
82. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 77 for Clean Water State Revolving Fund State Match.
83. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 78 for Dam Repairs and Reconstruction.
84. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 79 for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund State Match.
85. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 80 for One-Stop/ IT Systems Upgrades.
86. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 81 for Coastal Flooding Modeling.
87. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 82 for Winnipesaukee River Basin Program (WRBP) Collection System Upgrade.
88. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:14, IV, extended by 2023, 113:24, 83 for Coastal Flood Modeling.
89. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2019, 146:1, VI, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 58, extended by 2023, 113:24, 84 for Dam Repairs and Reconstruction.
90. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2019, 146:1, VI, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 59, extended by 2023, 113:24, 85 for Construction and Operations Facility.
91. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2019, 146:1, VI, E, extended by 2021, 107:16, 62, extended by 2023, 113:24, 87 for IT Upgrades For E-Permitting and Automation.
92. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2017, 228:1, VIII, F, extended by 2019, 146:20, 63, extended by 2021, 107:16, 65, extended by 2023, 113:24, 88 for Hazardous Waste Superfund Match.
93. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2017, 228:1, VIII, H, extended by 2019, 146:20, 65, extended by 2021, 107:16, 67, extended by 2023, 113:24, 90 for Ossipee Lake Dam Reconstruction.
94. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2015, 220:1, VI, B, extended by 2017, 228:22, 50, extended by 2019, 146:20, 66, extended by 2021, 107:16, 68, extended by 2023, 113:24, 91 for hazardous waste superfund state match.
95. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2015, 220:1, VI, C, extended by 2017, 228:22, 51, extended by 2019, 146:20, 67, extended by 2021, 107:16, 69, extended by 2023, 113:24, 92 for Suncook river infrastructure protection project.
96. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2015, 220:1, VI, F, extended by 2017, 228:22, 53, extended by 2019, 146:20, 69, extended by 2021, 107:16, 71, extended by 2023, 113:24, 93 for permitting, environmental monitoring and flood forecasting.
97. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2011, 253:1, VI, E extended by 2013 195:47, 47 extended by 2015, 220:23, 48, extended by 2017, 228:22, 59, extended by 2019, 146:20, 71, extended by 2021, 107:16, 72, extended by 2023, 113:24, 94 for WRBP infrastructure capital improvements.
98. The appropriation made to the Fish and Game Commission in 2023, 113:1, VI, 1 for Roof Replacement.
99. The appropriation made to the Fish and Game Commission in 2021, 107:1, VI, 1, amended by 2023, 113:22, as extended by 2023, 113:24, 95 for Fish Hatchery Statewide Construction/Renovation.
100. The appropriation made to the Fish and Game Department in 2019, 146:1, VII, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 73, extended by 2023, 113:24, 96 for Building Security and Fire Safety Improvements.
101. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2023, 113:1, VII, 1 for Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) Bridges Replacement.
102. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2023, 113:1, VII, 2 for Electronic Health Records.
103. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2023, 113:23, II for the Glencliff Wastewater Treatment Improvements.
104. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 97 for Beneficiary Service Improvement.
105. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 98 for DCYF Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS).
106. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 99 for Developmental Services Information Technology Remediation.
107. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 209 for Electronic Visit Verification System.
108. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 100 for Federal Reporting Integrity and Compliance.
109. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 102 for Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Lifecycle Management and Re-procurement.
110. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 8, extended by 2023, 113:24, 103 for BEAS Systems Modernization.
111. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 9, extended by 2023, 113:24, 104 for NH Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) Direct Billing.
112. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 11, as amended by 2023, 113:12 and 14, extended by 2023, 113:24, 7 for Philbrook Building - Sewer Line Replacement.
113. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2019, 146:1, VIII, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 75, extended by 2023, 113:24, 106 for DCYF Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System.
114. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2019, 146:14, IV, extended by 2021, 107:16, 77, extended by 2023, 113:24, 108 for Glencliff Home Electrical System Enhancement.
115. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2017, 228:1, X, A, extended by 2019, 146:20, 76, extended by 2021, 107:16, 78, extended by 2023, 113:24, 210 for MMIS Technical Stack Upgrade.
116. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2015, 220:1, VII, B, extended by 2017, 228:22, 64, extended by 2019, 146:20, 86, extended by 2021, 107:16, 86, extended by 2023, 113:24, 111 for campus security Glencliff.
117. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2015, 220:1, VII, F, extended by 2017, 228:22, 68, extended by 2019, 146:20, 89, extended by 2021, 107:16, 89, extended by 2023, 113:24, 112 for chillers and associated components replacement.
118. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2023, 113:1, VIII, 1 for Cybersecurity Program Enhancements.
119. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2023, 113:1, VIII, 2 for Financial Systems Modernization.
120. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2023, 113:1, VIII, 3 for IT Services Management System .
121. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2019, 146:1, IX, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 97, extended by 2023, 113:24, 116 for Digital Government Transformation (Enterprise).
122. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2019, 146:1, IX, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 98, extended by 2023, 113:24, 117 for Continuity of Operation and Disaster Planning.
123. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2017, 228:1, XII, B, extended by 2019, 146:20, 105, extended by 2021, 107:16, 100, extended by 2023, 113:24, 118 for Enterprise Workflow/Document Mgmt (All - Enterprise).
124. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2017, 228:1, XII, D, extended by 2019, 146:20, 107, extended by 2021, 107:16, 102, extended by 2023, 113:24, 119 for Enterprise GIS Alignment (All-Enterprise).
125. The appropriation made to the Judicial Branch in 2021, 107:1, VIII, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 121 for NH e-Court.
126. The appropriation made to the Judicial Branch in 2021, 107:1, VIII, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 122 for Courts Digitization Project.
127. The appropriation made to the Judicial Branch in 2019, 146:1, X, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 103, extended by 2023, 113:24, 123 for New Hampshire e-Court.
128. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2023, 113:1, IX, 1 for Hampton North and South New Stores.
129. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2023, 113:1, IX, 2 for HQ Life Safety Improvements, Parking Lot, Renovation, and Roof.
130. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2023, 113:1, IX, 3 for Roof Replacement.
131. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2017, 228:1, XV, D, extended by 2019, 146:20, 117, extended by 2021, 107:16, 111, extended by 2023, 113:24, 128 for Hampton North and South New Liquor Stores.
132. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2017, 228:14, III, extended by 2019, 146:20, 118, extended by 2021, 107:16, 109, extended by 2023, 113:24, 126 for the Concord headquarters roof replacement and parking lot.
133. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 1 for Nashua Readiness Center Minor Military Construction.
134. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 2 for Plymouth Readiness Center Minor Military Construction.
135. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 3 for Statewide Building Improvements.
136. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 4 for Nashua Hazardous Material Remediation.
137. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 5 for Land Purchase - Pembroke.
138. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 129 for Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection - Merrimack County.
139. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 130 for Energy Resiliency and Efficiency Improvements Statewide.
140. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 131 for Grafton County Field Maintenance Shop.
141. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 132 for Minor Military Construction - Coos County.
142. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 133 for Minor Military Construction - Strafford County.
143. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 134 for Warehouse Facility Upgrades - Merrimack County.
144. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 135 for Readiness Center Renovation Statewide.
145. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 8, extended by 2023, 113:24, 136 for Land.
146. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 9, extended by 2023, 113:24, 137 for Energy Resiliency and Efficiency Improvements Statewide 50/50.
147. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:1, I, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 113, extended by 2023, 113:24, 139 for Federal Statewide Repairs and Upgrades.
148. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:1, I, C, extended by 2021, 107:16, 114, extended by 2023, 113:24, 140 for Minor Military Construction Statewide.
149. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:1, I, D, extended by 2021, 107:16, 115, as amended by 2023, 113:16, extended by 2023, 113:24, 141 for Manchester Readiness Center and Concord Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Renovations.
150. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:1, I, E, extended by 2021, 107:16, 116, extended by 2023, 113:24, 142 for Grafton County Readiness Center Design.
151. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:14, II, extended by 2021, 107:16, 118, extended by 2023, 113:24, 143 for Environmental Hazard Remediation and Land Acquisition.
152. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2015, 220:1, I, D extended by 2017, 228:22, 4, extended by 2019, 146:20, 7, extended by 2021, 107:16, 122, extended by 2023, 113:24, 144 for land for military construction.
153. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:1, XI, 1 for Roofing and Repair.
154. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:1, XI, 2 for Forest and Lands Facilities.
155. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:1, XI, 4 for Mount Washington Summit Infrastructure and Ecology Study.
156. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:1, XI, 5 for Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Road Repairs and Paving.
157. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:23, III, for the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Road Repairs and Paving.
158. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2021, 107:1, XI, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 145 for Communication System Replacement.
159. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2021, 107:1, XI, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 146 for Toilet Building Upgrades.
160. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 125, extended by 2023, 113:24, 147 for Roofing and Repair.
161. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 126, extended by 2023, 113:24, 148 for Mount Washington Sewage Treatment Expansion.
162. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, D, extended by 2021, 107:16, 128, extended by 2023, 113:24, 150 for Campground Toilet Buildings.
163. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, E, extended by 2021, 107:16, 129, extended by 2023, 113:24, 151 for Day-Use Toilet Buildings.
164. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, F, extended by 2021, 107:16, 130, extended by 2023, 113:24, 152 for Mount Sunapee State Park Beach Boat Ramp.
165. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, H, extended by 2021, 107:16, 132, extended by 2023, 113:24, 153 for Climate Controlled Storage Area - State Library.
166. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, I, extended by 2021, 107:16, 133, extended by 2023, 113:24, 154 for Design and Engineering Services; Archaeology Lab; Office, Lab, and Storage Space Needs.
167. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2017, 228:1, XVIII, C, extended by 2019, 146:20, 126, extended by 2021, 107:16, 135, extended by 2023, 113:24, 156 for Dams and Retaining Walls.
168. The appropriation made to the Pease Development Authority in 2021, 107:14, II, extended by 2023, 113:24, 159 for Piscataqua River Turning Basin.
169. The appropriation made to the Pease Development Authority in 2017, 228:1, XVI, A, extended by 2019, 146:20, 122, extended by 2021, 107:16, 138, extended by 2023, 113:24, 160 for Piscataqua River Turning Basin.
170. The appropriation made to the Pease development authority in 2015, 220:1, XII, extended by 2017, 228:22, 102, extended by 2019, 146:20, 123, extended by 2021, 107:16, 139, extended by 2023, 113:24, 161 for the Piscataqua River Turning Basin.
171. The appropriation made to the Department of Revenue Administration in 2017, 228:1, XIX, A, extended by 2019, 146:20, 130, extended by 2021, 107:16, 140, extended by 2023, 113:24, 162 for Revenue Information Management System (RIMS).
172. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2023, 113:1, XIV, 1 for New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) Message Switch Replacement.
173. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2023, 113:1, XIV, 2 for New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) Helicopter Improvement.
174. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2023, 113:2, I, 1 for New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) Message Switch Replacement.
175. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2023, 113:2, I, 2 for New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) Helicopter Improvement.
176. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2021, 107:12, II and 13, II, as amended by 2023, 113:18, extended by 2023, 113:24, 164 for State Police Hangar Construction/Renovation.
177. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2019, 146:1, XV, E, as amended by 2022, 47:2, as amended by 2023, 113:20, extended by 2023, 113:24, 163 for Aviation Hangar Bay Construction/Renovation.
178. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XV, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 143, extended by 2023, 113:24, 165 for Fire Academy, New Truck and HVAC Upgrades.
179. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XV, C, extended by 2021, 107:16, 144, extended by 2023, 113:24, 166 for Criminal Records Customer Portal.
180. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2019, 146:2, I, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 147, extended by 2023, 113:24, 167 for DMV Online Customer Portal.
181. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2017, 228:1, XX, C, extended by 2019, 146:20, 132, extended by 2021, 107:16, 148, extended by 2023, 113:24, 168 for State Police Records Management System.
182. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:1, XV, 1 for Federal State Match for FAA Projects.
183. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:1, XV, 2 for Matching Funds for Transit Buses and Passenger Amenities.
184. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:1, XV, 4 for Coos County Freight Rail Improvements.
185. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:2, II, 1 for Statewide - Construct Salt and Sand Shed.
186. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:2, II, 2 for Statewide - Underground Fuel Tank Replacement.
187. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:2, II, 3 for Statewide - Crew Quarters.
188. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:23, V, for repairs to railroad bridges on state-owned active railroad lines.
189. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:23, VI, for repairs to culverts on active state-owned railroad lines.
190. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:23, VII, for railroad ties and installation on active state-owned railroad lines.
191. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:1, XIV, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 169 for 5% Match For Federal Aviation Administration Projects.
192. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:1, XIV, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 171 for Public Transit Bus and Facility Matching Funds.
193. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:1, XIV, 6, as amended by 2023, 113:21, extended by 2023, 113:24, 174 for Market Street Marine Terminal Project State Match/ Discretionary Grants.
194. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 175 for Fuel Management System Replacement.
195. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 176 for Lancaster 701 - Storage Building Replacement.
196. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 177 for Londonderry 512 - Patrol and Salt Shed Replacements.
197. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 179 for Statewide - Construct Salt and Sand Sheds.
198. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 180 for Delayed Projects - Patrol Sheds, District Office.
199. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XVI, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 151, extended by 2023, 113:24, 181 for Aeronautics, Rail, and Transit, 5% match for Federal Aviation Administration Projects.
200. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XVI, C, extended by 2021, 107:16, 152, extended by 2023, 113:24, 182 for Repairs to State-Owned Active Railroad Bridges.
201. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XVI, F, extended by 2021, 107:16, 155, extended by 2023, 113:24, 184 for Public Transit Bus and Facility Matching Funds.
202. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2019, 146:2, II, D, extended by 2021, 107:16, 159, extended by 2023, 113:24, 186 for Statewide - Life Safety Code Improvements.
203. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2019, 146:2, II, H, extended by 2021, 107:16, 163, extended by 2023, 113:24, 190 for NHDOT Document Management Software.
204. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2015, 220:1, XVI, A, 1, extended by 2017, 228:22, 116, extended by 2019, 146:20, 148, extended by 2021, 107:16, 174, extended by 2023, 113:24, 199 for 5% match for federal aviation administration project.
205. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2013, 195:XVI, A, 1 extended by 2015, 220:23, 106, extended by 2017, 228:22, 134, extended by 2019, 146:20, 155, extended by 2021, 107:16, 180, extended by 2023, 113:24, 203 for 5% match for FAA projects.
206. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2005, 259:1, XIII, F amended by 2007, 264:20, extended by 2007, 264:29 extended by 2009, 145:19, 81 extended by 2011, 253:28, 104 extended by 2013, 195:47, 110, extended by 2015, 220:23, 120, extended by 2017, 228:22, 142, extended by 2019, 146:20, 157, extended by 2021, 107:16, 181, extended by 2023, 113:24, 204 for railroad acquisition right of first refusal rail match.
207. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 1999, 226:1, XIII, C, as extended by 2001, 202:28, XXXIII, and 2003, 240:34, LXXVI extended by 2005, 259:25, LVI extended by 2007, 264:29 LXXIV extended by 2009, 145:19, 64 extended by 2011, 253:28, 98 extended by 2013, 195:47, 111 extended by 2015, 220:23, 121, extended by 2017, 228:22, 143, extended by 2019, 146:20, 158, extended by 2021, 107:16, 182, extended by 2023, 113:24, 205 for acquisition for railroad and airport properties.
208. The appropriation made to the Police Standards and Training Council in 2023, 113:1, XII, 1 for Move VirTra Simulator to Reclaim Classroom Spaces.
209. The appropriation made to the Police Standards and Training Council in 2023, 113:1, XII, 2 for Convert Existing Breakroom to Classroom.
210. The appropriation made to the Police Standards and Training Council in 2019, 146:1, XIV, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 141, extended by 2023, 113:24, 206, as amended by 2024, 101:2, XIV, A for Police Standards and Training Council facility improvements (boilers, controllers, a/c replacements, range ventilation and filtration and tactical center floor replacement).
211. The appropriation made to the Veterans Home in 2023, 113:1, XIII, 1 for Sitewide Drainage and Water Life Safety Improvements.
212. The appropriation made to the Veterans Home in 2023, 113:1, XIII, 2 for Entry Life Safety Improvements.
213. The appropriation made to the Veterans Home in 2021, 107:1, XII, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 207 for Parking Lot Repairs and Improvements.
214. The appropriation made to the Veterans Home in 2015, 220:1, XVII, A, extended by 2017, 228:22, 144, extended by 2019, 146:20, 161, extended by 2021, 107:16, 185, extended by 2023, 113:24, 208 for third floor addition to the LEDU building - vets home.
14 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Capital Appropriations. The sums hereinafter detailed are hereby appropriated for the projects specified to the departments, agencies, and branches named:
I. Department of Administrative Services
1. Statewide Emergency Fund 1,500,000
2. State House Annex Renovation - Phase 2 12,250,000
3. Sprinkler Replacement 550,000
4. Main Building Elevator Replacement 1,100,000
Total state appropriation paragraph I $15,400,000
II. Community College System of New Hampshire
1. Great Bay Community College: Workforce Capacity Building in Welding 700,000
Total state appropriation paragraph II $700,000
III. Department of Corrections
1. NHSP/M - Electronic Controls and Camera Installations 2,000,000
2. NHSP/M - Replace HVAC Units Using R-22 Refrigerant 7,700,000
3. NHSP/M - Boiler, Surge and Deaerator Tank Replacements 2,300,000
Total state appropriation paragraph III $12,000,000
IV. Department of Education
1. Jaffrey-Rindge CTE Renovation 18,518,000
Total state appropriation paragraph IV $18,518,000
V. Department of Environmental Services
1. Dam Repairs and Reconstruction 10,810,000
2. Drinking Water State Revolving Fund State Match 8,846,360
3. Superfund State Match 829,217
4. Clean Water State Revolving Fund State Match 9,467,496
5. Winnipesaukee River Basin Program Infrastructure Upgrades 19,700,000
Less Other Funds (Revolving Loan Fund)To provide funds for the appropriations made in paragraph V, the state treasurer is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state not exceeding the sum of $19,700,000 and for said purpose may issue bonds and notes in the name of and on behalf of the state of New Hampshire in accordance with RSA 6-A. Payments of principal and interest on the bonds and notes shall be made from the Winnipesaukee river basin control replacement fund established in RSA 485-A:51.
VI. Fish and Game Department
1. Hatchery Predator Control 2,200,000
Less Other Funds (Fish and Game Fund) (65,000)
Net State 0
3. Inland Fisheries Equipment 114,000
Less Other Funds (Fish and Game Fund)To provide funds for the appropriations made in paragraph VI, the state treasurer is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state not exceeding the sum of $2,379,000 and for said purpose may issue bonds and notes in the name of and on behalf of the state of New Hampshire in accordance with RSA 6-A. Payments of principal and interest on the bonds and notes shall be made from the fish and game fund established in RSA 206:33.
VII. Department of Health and Human Services
1. Medicaid Enterprise Modular Strategy 33,750,000
Less Federal Funds (30,375,000)
Net State 3,375,000
2. Modernize Eligibility Services 1,875,878
Less Federal Funds (1,219,321)
Net State 656,557
Total state appropriation paragraph VII $4,031,557
VIII. Department of Information Technology
1. Cloud Solutions and Services 2,150,000
Total state appropriation paragraph VIII $2,150,000
IX. Judicial Branch
1. Digitization of Court Records Project Expansion 157,950
Total state appropriation paragraph IX $157,950
X. Department of Justice
1. Replacement of Case Management System 2,231,696
Total state appropriation paragraph IX $2,231,696
XI. Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services
1. Milford Readiness Center Addition and Renovation 4,000,000
Less Federal Funds (3,000,000)
Net State 1,000,000
2. Manchester Land Replacement 5,000,000
3. Statewide Readiness Center Roof Replacement 5,100,000
Less Federal Funds (2,550,000)
Total state appropriation paragraph X $8,550,000
XII. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
1. Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway 20,000,000
2. Umbagog Lake State Park Marina and Facilities 950,000
Less Federal Funds (475,000)
Net State 475,000
3. Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Road Repairs 1,400,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XII $21,875,000
XIII. Police Standards and Training Council
1. Main Entrance Security Improvements 480,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XIII $480,000
XIV. Department of Safety
1. Software - Automated Fuel Tax System 2,862,000
2. Gun Range Training Facility 2,300,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XIV $5,162,000
XV. University System of New Hampshire
1. Plymouth State University: Hyde Hall Renovations 4,000,000
2. University of New Hampshire: Morse Hall Improvements 12,000,000
3. Keene State College: Elliot Center Renovations 4,000,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XV $20,000,000
XVI. Veterans Home
1. Replace Three (3) Air Handlers 1,300,000
2. Diesel Tank Replacement 60,000
3. Replace Seven (7) Tubs and One (1) Bariatric Stretcher Shower Trolley 140,000
4. Replace Fifty (50) Veteran Resident Beds 155,000
5. Twenty (20) Medical Lifts and Installation 180,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XVI $1,835,000
XVII. Department of Transportation
1. Matching Funds for Transit Vehicles 390,000
Total state appropriation paragraph XVII $390,000
Total state appropriation section 1 $143,434,276
2 Appropriation; Highway Funds; Department of Transportation. The sums hereinafter detailed are appropriated for the projects specified:
I. Department of Transportation
1. Statewide - Salt and Sand Shed Replacements 4,650,000
Total state appropriation paragraph I 4,650,000
Total state appropriation section 2 4,650,000
3 Expenditures; General. The appropriations made for the purposes mentioned in sections 1 and 2 of this act, with the exception of appropriations in paragraphs II and XV of section 1, and the sums available for those projects shall be expended by the trustees, commissions, commissioner, or department head of the institutions and departments referred to herein; provided that all contracts and projects and plans and specifications therefor shall be awarded in accordance with the provisions of RSA 21-I and RSA 228.
4 Expenditures; Community College System of New Hampshire.
I. The appropriations made for the community college system in paragraph II of section 1 and the sums available for this project shall be expended by the trustees of the community college system of New Hampshire.
II. The appropriations made to the community college system in paragraph II of section 1 are available for all costs incidental to the completion of the project enumerated including but not limited to the costs of the services for architects, engineers, and other consultants of such kind and capacity as the community college system board of trustees may, in its discretion, wish to employ on such terms and conditions as the board determines. These monies shall be spent under the direction of the community college system board of trustees and pursuant to the policies adopted by the board of trustees.
III. Any authorization contained in this act which is at variance with the requirements of applicable federal law and regulations shall be controlled by the terms of federal law and regulations.
5 Expenditures; University System of New Hampshire.
I. The appropriations made for the university system in paragraph XV of section 1 and the sums available for these projects shall be expended by the trustees of the university system of New Hampshire.
II. The appropriations made to the university system in paragraph XV of section 1 are available for all costs incidental to the completion of the projects enumerated including but not limited to the costs of the services for architects, engineers, and other consultants of such kind and capacity as the university system board of trustees may, in its discretion, wish to employ on such terms and conditions as the board determines. These monies shall be spent under the direction of the university system board of trustees and pursuant to the policies adopted by the board of trustees.
III. Any authorization contained in this act which is at variance with the requirements of applicable federal law and regulations shall be controlled by the terms of federal law and regulations.
6 Land Acquisition. Any land acquired under the appropriations made in sections 1 and 2 of this act, if any, as may be acquired under the appropriation shall be purchased by the commissioner of the department of administrative services or the department of transportation with the approval of governor and council.
7 Bonds Authorized.
I. To provide funds for the total of the appropriations of state funds made in sections 1 and 2 of this act, the state treasurer is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state not exceeding the sum of $170,163,276 and for said purposes may issue bonds and notes in the names and on behalf of the state of New Hampshire in accordance with the provisions of RSA 6-A. The source of funds are as follows: General Fund $143,434,276, Highway Funds $4,650,000, and Other Funds $22,079,000.
8 Payments.
I. The payment of principal and interest on bonds and notes issued for the projects in section 1 shall be made when due from the general fund of the state.
II. The payment of principal and interest on bonds issued for the projects in:
(a) The highway fund portion of the appropriations made in section 2 shall be made from the highway fund and the general fund portion from the general fund.
(b) The fish and game fund portion of the appropriations made in paragraph VI of section 1 shall be made from the fish and game fund.
9 Powers of Governor and Council. The governor and council are hereby authorized and empowered:
I. To cooperate with and enter into such agreements with the federal government, or any agency thereof, as they may deem advisable, to secure federal funds for the purposes hereof.
II. To accept any federal funds which are, or become available for any project under sections 1 and 2 beyond the estimated amounts. The net appropriation of state funds for any project for which such additional federal funds are accepted shall be reduced by the amount of such additional funds, and the amount of bonding authorized by section 7 shall be reduced by the same amount.
10 Transfers. The individual project appropriations provided in sections 1 and 2 of this act shall not be transferred or expended for any other purposes; provided that if there is a balance remaining after an individual project, which is fully funded by state funds, is completed, accepted, and final payment made, said balance or any part thereof may be transferred by governor and council, to any other individual project or projects, which are also fully funded by state funds, within the same section and from the same funding source, provided that prior approval or the capital project overview committee is obtained.
11 Reduction of Appropriation and Bonding Authority. If the net appropriation of state funds for any project provided for by sections 1 and 2 is determined on the basis of an estimate of anticipated federal, local, or other funds, and if the amount of such funds actually received or available is less than said estimate, then the total authorized cost for such projects and the net appropriation of state funds thereof shall be reduced by the same proportion as the proportion by which federal, local, or other funds are reduced. The amount of bonding authorized by section 7 shall be reduced by the amount that the appropriation of state funds is reduced pursuant to this section.
12 Division of Public Works Design and Construction Inspection Services; Davis-Bacon Act Compliance. The appropriations for those projects which are managed by the division of public works design and construction, Department of Administrative Services, may be expended to fund temporary personnel for the purpose of providing construction inspection services and Davis-Bacon Act Compliance services for projects utilizing federal funds, for those projects included in this act.
13 Lapse Dates Extended to June 30, 2027. The following appropriations are hereby extended to June 30, 2027:
1. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, A, 1 for Courthouse Generators.
2. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, A, 2 for Rochester Courthouse.
3. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 1 for Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Mechanical Replacements and Repairs.
4. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 2 for Thayer Building Heating Zone Expansion.
5. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 3 for Two Chillers for 29 Hazen Dr.
6. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 4 for Parking Lot Repairs and Paving - Statewide.
7. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, B, 5 for Acquire Building at 25 Hall Street.
8. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2023, 113:1, I, C, 1 for Statewide Emergency Fund.
9. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, A, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 2 for Lebanon Circuit Courthouse - Remove and Replace Underground Fuel Storage Tank.
10. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, A, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 3 for Portsmouth and Dover Circuit Court Boilers.
11. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, A, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 4 for Statewide Courthouse Roof Replacements.
12. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, B, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 5 for Life Safety Upgrades.
13. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, B, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 6 for Main Building Rewiring Phase 1.
14. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, B, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 8 for Thayer Building - Replace Roof.
15. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, B, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 9 for Tunnel System: Repair and Abandonment Plan.
16. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, C, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 10 for NH First Migration To Information Cloud Environment.
17. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 11 for HHS Roof Replacement.
18. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 12 for HHS/DES Mechanical Replacements and Controls.
19. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 13 for Morton, Johnson, HHS Underground Tank Removal.
20. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 14 for Safety Mechanical Replacements and Repairs.
21. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 15 for Coos County New Parking Lot and Concrete Plaza Entrance.
22. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 16 for Hillsborough County Courthouse North Cooling Tower.
23. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 17 for Annex 1 - Bancroft ADA Connector.
24. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 8, extended by 2023, 113:24, 18 for Discovery Center Mechanical Replacement and Controls.
25. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 9, extended by 2023, 113:24, 19 for Hillsborough County South Walkway Repairs.
26. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 10, extended by 2023, 113:24, 20 for Dolloff Building Elevator Replacement.
27. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 11, extended by 2023, 113:24, 21 for Phase II - Statehouse Annex Renovation.
28. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 12, extended by 2023, 113:24, 22 for New Fire Panels-Installation at 11 Locations.
29. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 13, extended by 2023, 113:24, 23 for Main Building Stair Tower Roofs and Repointing.
30. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, D, 14, extended by 2023, 113:24, 24 for Rochester Circuit Court Replacement Engineering.
31. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, E, extended by 2023, 113:24, 25 for Statewide Emergency Fund.
32. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2021, 107:1, I, F, extended by 2023, 113:24, 26 for Statewide Energy Efficiency Improvements Projects.
33. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 27 for Statewide Projects, Statewide Emergency Funding.
34. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 3, extended by 2021, 107:16, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 29 for Storrs Street Parking Garage Repairs.
35. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 4, extended by 2021, 107:16, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 30 for State House Annex Renovations.
36. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 5, extended by 2021, 107:16, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 31 for State House Annex Elevator Upgrades.
37. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 6, extended by 2021, 107:16, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 32 for Roof Replacements and Exterior Repairs.
38. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, B, 8, extended by 2021, 107:16, 9, extended by 2023, 113:24, 33 for HHS and DES Mechanical Replacements.
39. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, C, 1, extended by 2021, 107:16, 10, extended by 2023, 113:24, 34 for Concord Steam - Raze Structurally Deficient Building.
40. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, C, 2, extended by 2021, 107:16, 11, extended by 2023, 113:24, 35 for Emergency Back-Up Generator Power To New Boilers.
41. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, C, 3, extended by 2021, 107:16, 12, extended by 2023, 113:24, 36 for Annex 1 - Life Safety/ADA Improvements.
42. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, C, 4, extended by 2021, 107:16, 13, extended by 2023, 113:24, 37 for Thayer Building - Relocate and Upgrade Electrical Service.
43. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, D, 1, extended by 2021, 107:16, 15, extended by 2023, 113:24, 38 for Rockingham County and Hillsborough County South Courthouses - New Chiller, Variable Frequency Drives and Controls.
44. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, D, 3, extended by 2021, 107:16, 17, extended by 2023, 113:24, 39 for Coos County Courthouse - New Boilers.
45. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, D, 5, extended by 2021, 107:16, 19, extended by 2023, 113:24, 40 for Generators - Conway, Coos, Jaffrey, Lebanon, Plymouth.
46. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, D, 6, extended by 2021, 107:16, 20, extended by 2023, 113:24, 41 for Hillsborough County South - Cellblock Renovation.
47. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2019, 146:1, II, E, extended by 2021, 107:16, 21, extended by 2023, 113:24, 42 for Financial Data Management, ERP Sustainability and Advancement.
48. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, A, 1, extended by 2019, 146:20, 11, extended by 2021, 107:16, 23, extended by 2023, 113:24, 43 for Statewide Emergency Funding.
49. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, B, 3, extended by 2019, 146:20, 15, extended by 2021, 107:16, 25, extended by 2023, 113:24, 44 for Spaulding - Roof Replacement.
50. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, B, 4, extended by 2019, 146:20, 16, extended by 2021, 107:16, 26, extended by 2023, 113:24, 45 for State Owned Buildings - Security Upgrades.
51. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, C, 1, extended by 2019, 146:20, 22, extended by 2021, 107:16, 30, extended by 2023, 113:24, 46 for Main Bldg Lodge Roof Replacement/brick/trim repairs.
52. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, C, 3, extended by 2019, 146:20, 24, extended by 2021, 107:16, 32, as amended by 2023, 113:15, extended by 2023, 113:24, 47 for Main Bldg, North Pavilion Wing Roof Replacement.
53. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2017, 228:1, II, D, 3, extended by 2019, 146:20, 26, extended by 2021, 107:16, 33, extended by 2023, 113:24, 48 for Milford Circuit Court - New Courthouse.
54. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2015, 220:1, II, B, 8, extended by 2017, 228:22, 21, extended by 2019, 146:20, 35, extended by 2021, 107:16, 38, extended by 2023, 113:24, 49 for state house and Upham Walker house repairs.
55. The appropriation made to the Department of Administrative Services in 2011, 253:1, II, C, 1 extended by 2013, 195:47, 13 extended by 2015, 220:23, 18, extended by 2017, 228:22, 29, extended by 2019, 146:20, 37, extended by 2021, 107:16, 39, extended by 2023, 113:24, 50 for critical IT infrastructure.
56. The appropriation made to the Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food in 2021, 107:1, II, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 51 for Repairs to NH Building At Eastern States Exposition.
57. The appropriation made to the Community College System of New Hampshire in 2023, 113:1, XVI, 1 for Critical Maintenance.
58. The appropriation made to the Community College System of New Hampshire in 2023, 113:1, XVI, 3 for NCC Respiratory Therapy Program Teaching Equipment and Teaching Space Renovations.
59. The appropriation made to the Community College System of New Hampshire in 2021, 107:1, XIII, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 52 for Critical Maintenance.
60. The appropriation made to the Community College System of New Hampshire in 2019, 146:1, III, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 41, extended by 2023, 113:24, 53 for Critical Maintenance and Safety, Master Plans.
61. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2023, 113:1, II, 1 for Replace Sewer Lines and Grinder.
62. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2023, 113:1, II, 2 for Radio System Upgrade.
63. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 56 for NHSP/M Roof Replacement.
64. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 58 for Construction of Training Center for Bldg. Trades NHCF/W.
65. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 59 for Boiler Replacements.
66. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 60 for Door Controller Upgrade.
67. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 62 for Perimeter Security and Fence Detection Systems.
68. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 8, extended by 2023, 113:24, 63 for Rebuild Sewer Line and Grinder.
69. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 10, extended by 2023, 113:24, 65 for Roof Replacement - Hancock and Industries Buildings.
70. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:1, III, 11, extended by 2023, 113:24, 66 for NH State Prison/M Door Replacement.
71. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2021, 107:14, III, extended by 2023, 113:24, 67 for NHSPM Door and Ceiling Replace/Repair - Close Custody Unit.
72. The appropriation made to the Department of Corrections in 2019, 146:1, IV, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 45, extended by 2023, 113:24, 69 for Kitchen Renovation.
73. The appropriation made to the Department of Education in 2021, 107:1, IV, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 75 for Bathrooms-All Floors, Renovation and ADA Modifications.
74. The appropriation made to the Department of Energy in 2023, 113:1, IV, 1 for Fuel Assistance Program (FAP)/Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Database and Program Management.
75. The appropriation made to the Department of Energy in 2017, 228:1, VII, A, extended by 2019, 146:20, 59, extended by 2021, 107:16, 57, extended by 2023, 113:24, 76 for Fuel Assistance Program/Weatherization Assistance Program.
76. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 1 for Dam Repairs and Reconstruction.
77. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 2 for IT Infrastructure.
78. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 3 for Drinking Water SRF State Match.
79. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 4 for Clean Water SRF State Match .
80. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 5 for Ground Water Monitoring.
81. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2023, 113:1, V, 6 for Winnipesaukee River Basin Upgrade.
82. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 77 for Clean Water State Revolving Fund State Match.
83. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 78 for Dam Repairs and Reconstruction.
84. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 79 for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund State Match.
85. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 80 for One-Stop/ IT Systems Upgrades.
86. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 81 for Coastal Flooding Modeling.
87. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:1, V, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 82 for Winnipesaukee River Basin Program (WRBP) Collection System Upgrade.
88. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2021, 107:14, IV, extended by 2023, 113:24, 83 for Coastal Flood Modeling.
89. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2019, 146:1, VI, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 58, extended by 2023, 113:24, 84 for Dam Repairs and Reconstruction.
90. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2019, 146:1, VI, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 59, extended by 2023, 113:24, 85 for Construction and Operations Facility.
91. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2019, 146:1, VI, E, extended by 2021, 107:16, 62, extended by 2023, 113:24, 87 for IT Upgrades For E-Permitting and Automation.
92. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2017, 228:1, VIII, F, extended by 2019, 146:20, 63, extended by 2021, 107:16, 65, extended by 2023, 113:24, 88 for Hazardous Waste Superfund Match.
93. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2017, 228:1, VIII, H, extended by 2019, 146:20, 65, extended by 2021, 107:16, 67, extended by 2023, 113:24, 90 for Ossipee Lake Dam Reconstruction.
94. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2015, 220:1, VI, B, extended by 2017, 228:22, 50, extended by 2019, 146:20, 66, extended by 2021, 107:16, 68, extended by 2023, 113:24, 91 for hazardous waste superfund state match.
95. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2015, 220:1, VI, C, extended by 2017, 228:22, 51, extended by 2019, 146:20, 67, extended by 2021, 107:16, 69, extended by 2023, 113:24, 92 for Suncook river infrastructure protection project.
96. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2015, 220:1, VI, F, extended by 2017, 228:22, 53, extended by 2019, 146:20, 69, extended by 2021, 107:16, 71, extended by 2023, 113:24, 93 for permitting, environmental monitoring and flood forecasting.
97. The appropriation made to the Department of Environmental Services in 2011, 253:1, VI, E extended by 2013 195:47, 47 extended by 2015, 220:23, 48, extended by 2017, 228:22, 59, extended by 2019, 146:20, 71, extended by 2021, 107:16, 72, extended by 2023, 113:24, 94 for WRBP infrastructure capital improvements.
98. The appropriation made to the Fish and Game Commission in 2023, 113:1, VI, 1 for Roof Replacement.
99. The appropriation made to the Fish and Game Commission in 2021, 107:1, VI, 1, amended by 2023, 113:22, as extended by 2023, 113:24, 95 for Fish Hatchery Statewide Construction/Renovation.
100. The appropriation made to the Fish and Game Department in 2019, 146:1, VII, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 73, extended by 2023, 113:24, 96 for Building Security and Fire Safety Improvements.
101. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2023, 113:1, VII, 1 for Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) Bridges Replacement.
102. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2023, 113:1, VII, 2 for Electronic Health Records.
103. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2023, 113:23, II for the Glencliff Wastewater Treatment Improvements.
104. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 97 for Beneficiary Service Improvement.
105. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 98 for DCYF Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS).
106. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 99 for Developmental Services Information Technology Remediation.
107. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 209 for Electronic Visit Verification System.
108. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 100 for Federal Reporting Integrity and Compliance.
109. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 102 for Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Lifecycle Management and Re-procurement.
110. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 8, extended by 2023, 113:24, 103 for BEAS Systems Modernization.
111. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 9, extended by 2023, 113:24, 104 for NH Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) Direct Billing.
112. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2021, 107:1, VII, 11, as amended by 2023, 113:12 and 14, extended by 2023, 113:24, 7 for Philbrook Building - Sewer Line Replacement.
113. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2019, 146:1, VIII, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 75, extended by 2023, 113:24, 106 for DCYF Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System.
114. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2019, 146:14, IV, extended by 2021, 107:16, 77, extended by 2023, 113:24, 108 for Glencliff Home Electrical System Enhancement.
115. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2017, 228:1, X, A, extended by 2019, 146:20, 76, extended by 2021, 107:16, 78, extended by 2023, 113:24, 210 for MMIS Technical Stack Upgrade.
116. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2015, 220:1, VII, B, extended by 2017, 228:22, 64, extended by 2019, 146:20, 86, extended by 2021, 107:16, 86, extended by 2023, 113:24, 111 for campus security Glencliff.
117. The appropriation made to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2015, 220:1, VII, F, extended by 2017, 228:22, 68, extended by 2019, 146:20, 89, extended by 2021, 107:16, 89, extended by 2023, 113:24, 112 for chillers and associated components replacement.
118. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2023, 113:1, VIII, 1 for Cybersecurity Program Enhancements.
119. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2023, 113:1, VIII, 2 for Financial Systems Modernization.
120. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2023, 113:1, VIII, 3 for IT Services Management System .
121. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2019, 146:1, IX, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 97, extended by 2023, 113:24, 116 for Digital Government Transformation (Enterprise).
122. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2019, 146:1, IX, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 98, extended by 2023, 113:24, 117 for Continuity of Operation and Disaster Planning.
123. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2017, 228:1, XII, B, extended by 2019, 146:20, 105, extended by 2021, 107:16, 100, extended by 2023, 113:24, 118 for Enterprise Workflow/Document Mgmt (All - Enterprise).
124. The appropriation made to the Department of Information Technology in 2017, 228:1, XII, D, extended by 2019, 146:20, 107, extended by 2021, 107:16, 102, extended by 2023, 113:24, 119 for Enterprise GIS Alignment (All-Enterprise).
125. The appropriation made to the Judicial Branch in 2021, 107:1, VIII, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 121 for NH e-Court.
126. The appropriation made to the Judicial Branch in 2021, 107:1, VIII, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 122 for Courts Digitization Project.
127. The appropriation made to the Judicial Branch in 2019, 146:1, X, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 103, extended by 2023, 113:24, 123 for New Hampshire e-Court.
128. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2023, 113:1, IX, 1 for Hampton North and South New Stores.
129. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2023, 113:1, IX, 2 for HQ Life Safety Improvements, Parking Lot, Renovation, and Roof.
130. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2023, 113:1, IX, 3 for Roof Replacement.
131. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2017, 228:1, XV, D, extended by 2019, 146:20, 117, extended by 2021, 107:16, 111, extended by 2023, 113:24, 128 for Hampton North and South New Liquor Stores.
132. The appropriation made to the Liquor Commission in 2017, 228:14, III, extended by 2019, 146:20, 118, extended by 2021, 107:16, 109, extended by 2023, 113:24, 126 for the Concord headquarters roof replacement and parking lot.
133. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 1 for Nashua Readiness Center Minor Military Construction.
134. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 2 for Plymouth Readiness Center Minor Military Construction.
135. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 3 for Statewide Building Improvements.
136. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 4 for Nashua Hazardous Material Remediation.
137. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2023, 113:1, X, 5 for Land Purchase - Pembroke.
138. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 129 for Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection - Merrimack County.
139. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 130 for Energy Resiliency and Efficiency Improvements Statewide.
140. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 131 for Grafton County Field Maintenance Shop.
141. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 4, extended by 2023, 113:24, 132 for Minor Military Construction - Coos County.
142. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 133 for Minor Military Construction - Strafford County.
143. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 134 for Warehouse Facility Upgrades - Merrimack County.
144. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 7, extended by 2023, 113:24, 135 for Readiness Center Renovation Statewide.
145. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 8, extended by 2023, 113:24, 136 for Land.
146. The appropriation made to the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2021, 107:1, X, 9, extended by 2023, 113:24, 137 for Energy Resiliency and Efficiency Improvements Statewide 50/50.
147. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:1, I, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 113, extended by 2023, 113:24, 139 for Federal Statewide Repairs and Upgrades.
148. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:1, I, C, extended by 2021, 107:16, 114, extended by 2023, 113:24, 140 for Minor Military Construction Statewide.
149. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:1, I, D, extended by 2021, 107:16, 115, as amended by 2023, 113:16, extended by 2023, 113:24, 141 for Manchester Readiness Center and Concord Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Renovations.
150. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:1, I, E, extended by 2021, 107:16, 116, extended by 2023, 113:24, 142 for Grafton County Readiness Center Design.
151. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2019, 146:14, II, extended by 2021, 107:16, 118, extended by 2023, 113:24, 143 for Environmental Hazard Remediation and Land Acquisition.
152. The appropriation made to the Military Affairs and Veterans Services in 2015, 220:1, I, D extended by 2017, 228:22, 4, extended by 2019, 146:20, 7, extended by 2021, 107:16, 122, extended by 2023, 113:24, 144 for land for military construction.
153. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:1, XI, 1 for Roofing and Repair.
154. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:1, XI, 2 for Forest and Lands Facilities.
155. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:1, XI, 4 for Mount Washington Summit Infrastructure and Ecology Study.
156. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:1, XI, 5 for Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Road Repairs and Paving.
157. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2023, 113:23, III, for the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Road Repairs and Paving.
158. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2021, 107:1, XI, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 145 for Communication System Replacement.
159. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2021, 107:1, XI, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 146 for Toilet Building Upgrades.
160. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 125, extended by 2023, 113:24, 147 for Roofing and Repair.
161. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 126, extended by 2023, 113:24, 148 for Mount Washington Sewage Treatment Expansion.
162. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, D, extended by 2021, 107:16, 128, extended by 2023, 113:24, 150 for Campground Toilet Buildings.
163. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, E, extended by 2021, 107:16, 129, extended by 2023, 113:24, 151 for Day-Use Toilet Buildings.
164. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, F, extended by 2021, 107:16, 130, extended by 2023, 113:24, 152 for Mount Sunapee State Park Beach Boat Ramp.
165. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, H, extended by 2021, 107:16, 132, extended by 2023, 113:24, 153 for Climate Controlled Storage Area - State Library.
166. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2019, 146:1, XII, I, extended by 2021, 107:16, 133, extended by 2023, 113:24, 154 for Design and Engineering Services; Archaeology Lab; Office, Lab, and Storage Space Needs.
167. The appropriation made to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources in 2017, 228:1, XVIII, C, extended by 2019, 146:20, 126, extended by 2021, 107:16, 135, extended by 2023, 113:24, 156 for Dams and Retaining Walls.
168. The appropriation made to the Pease Development Authority in 2021, 107:14, II, extended by 2023, 113:24, 159 for Piscataqua River Turning Basin.
169. The appropriation made to the Pease Development Authority in 2017, 228:1, XVI, A, extended by 2019, 146:20, 122, extended by 2021, 107:16, 138, extended by 2023, 113:24, 160 for Piscataqua River Turning Basin.
170. The appropriation made to the Pease development authority in 2015, 220:1, XII, extended by 2017, 228:22, 102, extended by 2019, 146:20, 123, extended by 2021, 107:16, 139, extended by 2023, 113:24, 161 for the Piscataqua River Turning Basin.
171. The appropriation made to the Department of Revenue Administration in 2017, 228:1, XIX, A, extended by 2019, 146:20, 130, extended by 2021, 107:16, 140, extended by 2023, 113:24, 162 for Revenue Information Management System (RIMS).
172. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2023, 113:1, XIV, 1 for New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) Message Switch Replacement.
173. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2023, 113:1, XIV, 2 for New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) Helicopter Improvement.
174. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2023, 113:2, I, 1 for New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) Message Switch Replacement.
175. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2023, 113:2, I, 2 for New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) Helicopter Improvement.
176. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2021, 107:12, II and 13, II, as amended by 2023, 113:18, extended by 2023, 113:24, 164 for State Police Hangar Construction/Renovation.
177. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2019, 146:1, XV, E, as amended by 2022, 47:2, as amended by 2023, 113:20, extended by 2023, 113:24, 163 for Aviation Hangar Bay Construction/Renovation.
178. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XV, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 143, extended by 2023, 113:24, 165 for Fire Academy, New Truck and HVAC Upgrades.
179. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XV, C, extended by 2021, 107:16, 144, extended by 2023, 113:24, 166 for Criminal Records Customer Portal.
180. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2019, 146:2, I, B, extended by 2021, 107:16, 147, extended by 2023, 113:24, 167 for DMV Online Customer Portal.
181. The appropriation made to the Department of Safety in 2017, 228:1, XX, C, extended by 2019, 146:20, 132, extended by 2021, 107:16, 148, extended by 2023, 113:24, 168 for State Police Records Management System.
182. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:1, XV, 1 for Federal State Match for FAA Projects.
183. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:1, XV, 2 for Matching Funds for Transit Buses and Passenger Amenities.
184. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:1, XV, 4 for Coos County Freight Rail Improvements.
185. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:2, II, 1 for Statewide - Construct Salt and Sand Shed.
186. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:2, II, 2 for Statewide - Underground Fuel Tank Replacement.
187. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:2, II, 3 for Statewide - Crew Quarters.
188. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:23, V, for repairs to railroad bridges on state-owned active railroad lines.
189. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:23, VI, for repairs to culverts on active state-owned railroad lines.
190. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2023, 113:23, VII, for railroad ties and installation on active state-owned railroad lines.
191. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:1, XIV, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 169 for 5% Match For Federal Aviation Administration Projects.
192. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:1, XIV, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 171 for Public Transit Bus and Facility Matching Funds.
193. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:1, XIV, 6, as amended by 2023, 113:21, extended by 2023, 113:24, 174 for Market Street Marine Terminal Project State Match/ Discretionary Grants.
194. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 175 for Fuel Management System Replacement.
195. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 2, extended by 2023, 113:24, 176 for Lancaster 701 - Storage Building Replacement.
196. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 3, extended by 2023, 113:24, 177 for Londonderry 512 - Patrol and Salt Shed Replacements.
197. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 5, extended by 2023, 113:24, 179 for Statewide - Construct Salt and Sand Sheds.
198. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2021, 107:2, I, 6, extended by 2023, 113:24, 180 for Delayed Projects - Patrol Sheds, District Office.
199. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XVI, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 151, extended by 2023, 113:24, 181 for Aeronautics, Rail, and Transit, 5% match for Federal Aviation Administration Projects.
200. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XVI, C, extended by 2021, 107:16, 152, extended by 2023, 113:24, 182 for Repairs to State-Owned Active Railroad Bridges.
201. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation, General Funds in 2019, 146:1, XVI, F, extended by 2021, 107:16, 155, extended by 2023, 113:24, 184 for Public Transit Bus and Facility Matching Funds.
202. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2019, 146:2, II, D, extended by 2021, 107:16, 159, extended by 2023, 113:24, 186 for Statewide - Life Safety Code Improvements.
203. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2019, 146:2, II, H, extended by 2021, 107:16, 163, extended by 2023, 113:24, 190 for NHDOT Document Management Software.
204. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2015, 220:1, XVI, A, 1, extended by 2017, 228:22, 116, extended by 2019, 146:20, 148, extended by 2021, 107:16, 174, extended by 2023, 113:24, 199 for 5% match for federal aviation administration project.
205. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2013, 195:XVI, A, 1 extended by 2015, 220:23, 106, extended by 2017, 228:22, 134, extended by 2019, 146:20, 155, extended by 2021, 107:16, 180, extended by 2023, 113:24, 203 for 5% match for FAA projects.
206. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 2005, 259:1, XIII, F amended by 2007, 264:20, extended by 2007, 264:29 extended by 2009, 145:19, 81 extended by 2011, 253:28, 104 extended by 2013, 195:47, 110, extended by 2015, 220:23, 120, extended by 2017, 228:22, 142, extended by 2019, 146:20, 157, extended by 2021, 107:16, 181, extended by 2023, 113:24, 204 for railroad acquisition right of first refusal rail match.
207. The appropriation made to the Department of Transportation in 1999, 226:1, XIII, C, as extended by 2001, 202:28, XXXIII, and 2003, 240:34, LXXVI extended by 2005, 259:25, LVI extended by 2007, 264:29 LXXIV extended by 2009, 145:19, 64 extended by 2011, 253:28, 98 extended by 2013, 195:47, 111 extended by 2015, 220:23, 121, extended by 2017, 228:22, 143, extended by 2019, 146:20, 158, extended by 2021, 107:16, 182, extended by 2023, 113:24, 205 for acquisition for railroad and airport properties.
208. The appropriation made to the Police Standards and Training Council in 2023, 113:1, XII, 1 for Move VirTra Simulator to Reclaim Classroom Spaces.
209. The appropriation made to the Police Standards and Training Council in 2023, 113:1, XII, 2 for Convert Existing Breakroom to Classroom.
210. The appropriation made to the Police Standards and Training Council in 2019, 146:1, XIV, A, extended by 2021, 107:16, 141, extended by 2023, 113:24, 206, as amended by 2024, 101:2, XIV, A for Police Standards and Training Council facility improvements (boilers, controllers, a/c replacements, range ventilation and filtration and tactical center floor replacement).
211. The appropriation made to the Veterans Home in 2023, 113:1, XIII, 1 for Sitewide Drainage and Water Life Safety Improvements.
212. The appropriation made to the Veterans Home in 2023, 113:1, XIII, 2 for Entry Life Safety Improvements.
213. The appropriation made to the Veterans Home in 2021, 107:1, XII, 1, extended by 2023, 113:24, 207 for Parking Lot Repairs and Improvements.
214. The appropriation made to the Veterans Home in 2015, 220:1, XVII, A, extended by 2017, 228:22, 144, extended by 2019, 146:20, 161, extended by 2021, 107:16, 185, extended by 2023, 113:24, 208 for third floor addition to the LEDU building - vets home.
14 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.