Amendment 2025-0359h to HB268 (2025)

Relative to hearings before the board of tax and land appeals.

Revision: March 7, 2025, 12:10 p.m.

Rep. Manos, Rock. 12

February 11, 2025





Amendment to HB 268-FN


Amend the bill by replacing section 1 with the following:


1  Board of Tax and Land Appeals; Offices; Hearings.  Amend RSA 498-A:16 to read as follows:

498-A:16 Offices; Hearings.  The board shall be provided with suitable office space in Concord, together with such furnishings and office equipment as shall be necessary for the administration of its business, and with a suitable room in which it may hold hearings.  Any party may elect to participate in a just compensation hearing under RSA 498-A:24 though electronic or telephonic means consistent with RSA 91-A. All hearings before the board shall be open to the public.[, and] Each hearing shall be held in the county in which the declaration has been filed, unless the parties agree to a hearing at the board’s hearing room in Concord [elsewhere]. To the extent there is a lack of available space[, hearings shall be conducted] in the respective county courthouse,[; otherwise, they shall be held in such place or places, accessible to the public, as the board shall direct] as determined solely by the board, the hearing shall then be conducted in the board’s hearing room in Concord.




This bill codifies the board of tax and land appeals' authority to hold hearings at its hearing room in Concord and allows parties to request that hearings be held electronically or telephonically.  This bill further states that the hearings may be held in the hearing room in Concord in lieu of the county where the declaration was filed upon agreement of the parties of if the board determines that there is a lack of available space in the respective county courthouse.