Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 Transportation of Pupils. Amend RSA 189:6 to read as follows:
189:6 Transportation of Pupils. The local school district shall furnish transportation to pupils in kindergarten through grade 8 who live more than 2 miles from the school to which they are assigned. The local school district may furnish transportation to pupils in kindergarten through grade 8 who live 2 miles or less from the school to which they are assigned, and to pupils in grades 9 through 12, when it finds that this is appropriate, and shall furnish it when so directed by the commissioner of education.
2 Food and Nutrition Programs. Amend RSA 189:11-a, I to read as follows:
I. Each school board shall make at least one meal available during school hours to every pupil under its jurisdiction. Such meals shall be served without cost or at a reduced cost to any child who meets federal income eligibility guidelines. The state board of education shall ensure compliance with this section and shall establish minimum nutritional standards for such meals as well as income guidelines set for the family size used in determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the operation of both a breakfast and lunch program in the same school.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Transportation of Pupils. Amend RSA 189:6 to read as follows:
189:6 Transportation of Pupils. The local school district shall furnish transportation to full-day pupils in kindergarten through grade 8 who live more than 2 miles from the school to which they are assigned. The local school district may furnish transportation to pupils in half-day kindergarten programs, full-day kindergarten through grade 8 who live 2 miles or less from the school to which they are assigned, and to pupils in grades 9 through 12, when it finds that this is appropriate, and shall furnish it when so directed by the commissioner of education.
2 Food and Nutrition Programs. Amend RSA 189:11-a, I to read as follows:
I. Each school board shall make at least one meal available during school hours to every full-day pupil under its jurisdiction. Such meals shall be served without cost or at a reduced cost to any child who meets federal income eligibility guidelines. The state board of education shall ensure compliance with this section and shall establish minimum nutritional standards for such meals as well as income guidelines set for the family size used in determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the operation of both a breakfast and lunch program in the same school.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.